Add an open waterscape park to the sub-center of the city

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Add an open waterscape park to the sub-center of the city
In the second phase construction project of Songzhuang flood storage and detention area, there is an artificial wetland covering an area of 25 hectares, which is not only a key project of the “Tongzhou Weir” flood control system, but also a waterscape park to be opened. The reporter learned from the Tongzhou District Water Affairs Bureau yesterday that the second phase of the constructed wetland project in Songzhuang flood storage and detention area has entered the greening stage and will become another open waterscape park next to the Eastern Suburb Forest Park within the year.
In the second phase construction project of Songzhuang flood storage and detention area, hydrophilicity facilities such as fitness trails on both sides have been completed
The second phase construction project of Songzhuang flood storage and detention area, which can store and retain 2 million cubic meters of flood, belongs to the “upper storage” part of the “Tongzhou weir”, and is located in Songzhuang Town, Tongzhou District, on the left bank of Wenyu River, 7 kilometers from the upstream of Beiguan Gate. The construction contents include the Yingezhuang river barrage, the Yingezhuang flood diversion gate, the heightening of the Yaoping Road embankment, the concealed culvert of Bifu Road, the artificial wetland of the flood storage and detention area and the landscape greening project. The East Suburb Forest Park is the site of the first phase of Songzhuang Flood Storage and Detention Zone, which can store and detain 7 million cubic meters of flood, and is connected with the 9-hole culvert tunnel under Bifu Road in the second phase of the project. “If there is no Songzhuang flood storage and detention area, if the Tongzhou section of Wenyu River wants to raise the flood control standard to the 100-year return period, the embankments on both sides need to be increased by more than 1 meter.” According to the relevant person in charge of the project, when the upstream inflow exceeds the 50-year return period, the flood can be introduced to the Songzhuang flood storage and detention area for temporary parking through the joint dispatching of the Yingezhuang flood diversion gate and the Yingezhuang river barrage gate, thus reducing the downstream flood discharge pressure. After the flood peak, open the Xiaozhong River backwater gate to discharge the trapped rainwater to the downstream river.
The reporter saw on the spot that in the second phase of the construction project of Songzhuang flood storage and detention area, the fitness trails, fishing platforms and other hydrophilic facilities on both sides have been completed, and a bay of clear water meanders to the distance. On the newly completed artificial wetland of the spillway, the trees on both sides of the road are lined. It is reported that at present, the wetland greening project has also come to an end. After the completion of the project, 80000 cubic meters of Wenyu River water will be introduced into the subsurface wetland of the project through the lift pump every day. After the purification of aquatic plants and other relevant engineering measures, the water quality of Class 5 can be raised to the standard of Class 4 water. The wetland maintains the water surface landscape all year round. There are various aquatic plants in and around the water area, such as reed, lotus, water lily, leek, arrowhead, and Chinese cabbage, which create a charming landscape of the northern water town and is expected to become another habitat for water birds.
What is the role of constructed wetlands? “We hope to achieve the goal of purifying water quality through artificial wetlands, create a wetland landscape that can be enjoyed in four seasons, and create a comprehensive artificial wetland model that can be used for leisure, fitness, culture and education.” The relevant person in charge of the project said that the second phase construction project of Songzhuang flood storage and detention area is a water conservancy project, which undertakes the functions of storage and stagnancy and water purification, and is also an open waterscape park, where citizens can enter for leisure and play. As this is an important node on the Grand Canal cultural belt, the designer purposely introduced the water transport culture into the construction of the second phase of the Songzhuang flood storage and detention area. Inspired by the water transport vessels, the designers designed the Yingezhuang river barrage, the Yingezhuang flood diversion gate and the management center, so that citizens can feel the canal water transport culture when they enter here.
In addition, the second phase of Songzhuang flood storage and detention area will gradually become a water ecological demonstration area, a national science and technology demonstration park for water and soil conservation, and an outdoor practice teaching base for scientific research institutes. In the future, when citizens enter the waterscape park, they can not only play for leisure, fish and skate, but also learn about water ecology, water quality purification, water and soil conservation, and the water regime of the capital by visiting physical objects and other forms.