Build a journey with culture, praise the poem with tourism and make it more wonderful in the distance

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Culture is the soul of tourism and tourism is the carrier of culture. In recent years, the market structure of tourism industry has been further optimized, and its integration with China’s excellent culture has been deepened. All over the country, culture and tourism are used to shape tourism, and tourism is used to highlight culture. High-quality cultural and tourism integration products are constantly launched, and poetry and distance have made a new breakthrough.
Improve the quality and capacity of cultural tourism consumption
Xiaoyang Village, Sanshui Street, Jiangyan District, Taizhou City is decorated with lanterns, red lanterns hanging high on the branches, and a large number of New Year goods are gathered. The villagers’ faces are filled with happy and happy smiles. Tourists from all over the province enjoy the festivity and peace of the New Year of the Tiger in rural Jiangsu Province while visiting the garden and tasting farm food.
Taizhou City also gathers local famous and excellent products into a large collection of “100 villages and excellent products” for the New Year, creating a comprehensive experience of “seeing, shopping, eating and shopping” for tourists; The tour of Lixia River featured intangible cultural heritage projects such as playing lotus Xiang, playing ancient music, and beating flower drums will be launched to let people understand the unique local culture. “Jiangyan is the hometown of education, and Qiaotou is the hometown of the number one scholar. The fairy tale of ‘one class of five governors, three disciplines and two number one scholar’ has been spread to this day. The ‘number one scholar gallery’ of this activity is also made according to our local characteristics and culture,” said the staff of Xiaoyang Village.
Cultural tourism consumption in many places is improving quality and expanding capacity. In December 2021, with dozens of golden lights rising from the sky, the “fireworks kiss” immersive fireworks show in Wanzai Ancient City, Yichun City, Jiangxi Province opened. The unique Gan school buildings, under the light of gorgeous fireworks, weave a beautiful and moving picture. “In the daytime, there are ‘white brick and gray tile horsehead walls’, and at night there are beautiful music and bright fireworks. Wanzai is my most romantic tourist destination this year,” said Ms. Lin happily.
Wanzai, in combination with its unique history of making fireworks and under the promotion of the local government, as one of the sub-venues, hosted the “Hundred Counties and Hundred Days” cultural tourism consumption season in Jiangxi, attracting many tourists to come to see the scenery of the “fireworks ancient city”. At the same time, the ancient city also introduced the multi-surname ancestral halls and folk culture of the ancient city to the people of the country in a lively and lively form on the video website.
The combination of culture and tourism has obvious driving effect on tourism. In Jiangxi alone, according to the Monitoring Report on the Activities of the Hundred Day Culture and Tourism Consumption Season in 100 Counties of Jiangxi Province, the per capita tourism consumption expenditure will increase to about 1400 yuan in the fourth quarter of 2021, with the “soft” consumption proportion rising and the consumption structure changing.
“The innovation of consumption mode is the current focus of China’s tourism industry. Because it not only conforms to the general background of consumption upgrading in this era, but also conforms to the focus of the work of local cultural and tourism departments. How to make high-quality cultural and creative tourism products that adapt to the changes in consumer demand is also the focus of our cultural and tourism consumption innovation in 2022 and even in the next few years.” Zhang Tingting, director of the Tourism Communication Research Center of the School of Advertising, Communication University of China, told the author.
Deeply excavate “local culture”
“With the continuous refinement and diversification of consumer demand, the supply has been forced to change, so good cultural and tourism products have gradually emerged,” said Wang Xiaoyu, a special expert of the World Tourism Cities Federation.
Rooting in local cultural resources in multiple places and deeply digging “local culture”. Based on Cao Zhi’s famous poem “Dancing like a swan, like a dragon” in Luoshen Fu, the Flying Goddess and Vajra, dancing in front of the Lushena Buddha in Longmen Grottoes in Luoyang, have made tourists feast their eyes again and again. The excellent production of each frame, which is full of national culture, has made Henan Province famous for its tourism.
“In 2021, the development of ‘local culture’ in Henan Province reached a new level and height.” Zhang Tingting commented, and throughout the country, the core of the breakthrough in the integration of culture and tourism is a large part of the development of ‘local culture’. For example, in 2021, the city blind box “to the east of the Forbidden City” will combine all entertainment projects with the culture of Dongcheng District by creating an offline interactive experience space of “urban culture IP reception hall”.
As a major cultural province, Henan has done a lot in the integration of culture and tourism. According to the relevant staff of the Henan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, the third global cultural and tourism creators’ conference was successively held in Xingyang Fengle Cherry Blossom Garden, Zhumadian Chaya Mountain Scenic Spot, Dengfeng Zen Shaolin Music Festival, Yongcheng Mangdang Mountain Scenic Spot and other scenic spots, with a total transmission volume of more than 1.2 billion people.
The new media matrix of “hometown Henan”, which constantly deepens the connotation of traditional culture, explores the expression of traditional culture, and tells Chinese stories and Henan stories well, was rated as one of the outstanding marketing cases of China’s tourism influence in 2021. “It can be seen from the popularity of the derivative products of Henan Satellite TV’s cultural creative IP that the market recognition of the supply of high-quality cultural tourism products is increasing, and the themed leisure vacation will also be more and more popular with consumers,” said Wang Xiaoyu.
The rapid integration of culture and tourism has also brought a variety of cultural and creative products, such as the Forbidden City cultural and creative products that are popular across the country and the unique Sanxingdui cultural and creative products, which are the most powerful proof.
“In recent years, we have greatly improved our creativity in the development of cultural and creative products. We also attach great importance to the combination of ‘country’ and ‘tide’, and also attach great importance to the combination with other well-known traffic IP, so the cross-border nature of many cultural and creative products has greatly improved,” said Zhang Tingting.
“Year of Leap” for Innovation
“We have now entered the leap year of cultural and tourism integration, and poetry and distance have really come together.” Zhang Tingting said with relief. If we were all exploring how culture and tourism can really integrate together, then I think 2021 has made a great breakthrough in this direction.
As for the supply of cultural tourism products in the tourism market, Wang Xiaoyu analyzed and said: “Before, there has been a mismatch between supply and demand in the tourism market and a shortage of high-quality supply. Looking at nearly 30000 existing scenic spots in China, the majority of them are sightseeing and functional products, with less leisure experience. The former accounts for more than 80%, and there are many phenomena such as more functions, less experience, more beautiful scenery, and thin culture. Many ‘consumption backflow’ in the past is actually because consumers have no choice. In recent years, the market has experienced a decline Lake, constantly optimize the structure of tourism products, and good products gradually emerge. ”
As China’s economic development enters the post-high-speed growth stage, China’s cultural tourism market will also face many challenges. “To be specific, in the context of the slowdown of social and economic growth, the rebalancing of regional economy, the continuous improvement of public service level, and the stratification and refinement of refined consumption of the public, China’s cultural and tourism market innovation will also focus on the transformation and innovation of domestic cultural and tourism market consumption stratification, cultural IP scenarioization, consumption market sinking, stock asset transformation, and the digitalization of traditional products. At the same time, entrepreneurship innovation, cultural inclusion, and institutional support The talent system and financial system also need to be deepened simultaneously. ” Wang Xiaoyu said.