Chengdu, Sichuan: Generation Z is reshaping its tourist destination

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From urban parks to suburban fields, all kinds of camping tents support the ritual sense of the “May Day” holiday of Chengdu people. It is understood that the “post-90s” young users and the “post-80s” parent-child population are the main force in the camping consumer group, accounting for nearly 90%.
In contrast to camping, the low-carbon, environment-friendly and fitness 100 km Chengdu Green Belt ride also caught fire inadvertently, and netizens even joked, “1/3 of Chengdu people are riding the green road around the city.”
According to the “Generation Z” Youth Online Travel Consumption Insight Report 2022, the rise of many new consumption trends can not be separated from the contribution of “Generation Z” (i.e., “after 95” and “after 00”). “Generation Z” youth are playing an increasingly influential role in the diversification of travel consumption, shaping a new face of the cultural tourism industry.
Young people play family games
It is a “new favorite” and also a “top stream”
From the city to the suburbs, from the park to the field, all kinds of camping tents support the ritual sense of the “May Day” holiday of Chengdu people.
According to the 2022 “May Day” holiday travel consumption data report, the popularity of “camping” related tourism search increased by 117% month-on-month; The number of “May Day” camping orders of Feizhu platform increased by more than 350% month-on-month, and Hangzhou, Chengdu and Guangzhou ranked among the top three cities in the country as the popular source of camping tourists; Among the camping consumer groups, the “post-90s” young users and the “post-80s” parent-child population have become the main force, accounting for nearly 90%. Under the restriction of the epidemic, consumers have turned their attention to the development and exploration of new local travel methods, and camping is undoubtedly the “top stream” that has received increasing attention in recent years.
With the increasingly mature way of camping, Chengdu “Generation Z” is no longer satisfied with setting up a tent in the city park, but is exploring more personalized camping methods. According to the data of the same journey, forest camping, island camping, park camping, starry camping and parent-child camping have become the most popular camping themes during the “May Day” holiday. In addition to the common “camping+picnic”, the combination of camping and cultural and creative market, music festival, script killing and other elements has gradually become a rich choice for young consumers to explore new camping methods.
Zhang Xin is a “post 95”. She booked a camp in Pengzhou early this May Day and spent three days here. “Barbecue, hot pot, movies… a camping experience.” The equipment she and her friends prepared was upgraded from the original picnic mat and hammock to the projection screen tent. She said that, in fact, camping is a way for young people to play home, so that they can find the feeling of childhood.
During the “May Day” holiday, Miss Huang went to a campsite and posted a video in her circle of friends, attracting many friends to praise her. In the video, some people play guitar on the grass, some are riding bicycles, some are walking dogs, children watch open-air movies, and the long table under the sky is filled with exquisite cups and plates, as well as wine and various drinks, coupled with music, which makes many people envy.
Different from the traditional outdoor camping, the new generation of campers pay more attention to comfort, delicacy and emotional appeal. The most important thing is to take good photos and have a high rate of film production. Now many campsites in Chengdu not only provide accommodation, but also provide a series of experiential projects, including yoga, bonfire party, open-air cinema, music festival and so on. It makes campsites not only comfortable, attractive, and ceremonial, but also has social attributes. You can take a drink to the door, talk with your new camping neighbors, or study camping equipment, and unknowingly become friends, The next time we can go camping together.
“There is still a huge demand for consumption in the tourism market. In the context of the epidemic, it is understandable that camping in the field, as a leisure way, allows people’s activity space to expand from narrow indoor to natural environment, which has become popular.” Professor Zhu Dan, vice president of Sichuan Tourism Association and president of Chengdu University Tourism and Cultural Industry College, paid attention to the new form of thriving tourism. In his view, under the influence of the epidemic, the traditional culture and tourism industry has actively explored the transformation and constantly emerging new business forms. New holiday experiences, including camping, hiking and riding, parent-child research and study tours, have captured the hearts of many consumers. On the other hand, with the gradual youth of consumer groups, the demand for short-distance tourism such as camping sites with clear positioning and more divergent activities has increased rapidly.
In Zhu Dan’s view, from traditional outdoor camping equipment, to tourism and vacation, research, social networking, business, and to the bearing space of new economy and new business forms in the field of entertainment, outdoor camping will leverage a broader and more diversified experience economic ecology.
Low-carbon environmental protection and fitness online red punch card “ring”
On December 17, 2021, with the successful completion of the transition of the Chengdu-Kunming Railway Bridge, the 100 km Class I greenway of the Chengdu Ecological Park Ring Line was connected. With the greenway as the line and 78 bridges as the point, 121 characteristic parks are connected. Riders can enjoy the scenery of Chengdu, walk through the park and meet unexpected scenery. Gradually, Tianfu Greenway has become the city’s super-large stadium. Here, whether it’s running, cycling, skateboarding, camping, professional athletes, amateurs, or even walking after dinner, citizens have better choices. People can find a sense of participation and happiness in the sports park in front of their home.
According to Bai Xi, one of the greenway designers, the width of the first grade greenway is more than 6 meters, and the slope is controlled within the comfortable range of riding. In addition, in order to realize the complete separation of people and vehicles, when the greenway meets the main road of motor vehicles, there will be many overpasses full of design ingenuity and visual beauty, and the new “online red bridge” that citizens have to punch in is almost embedded in this greenway.
After the greenway around the city was completed, it was popular with many cyclists. The whole 100 kilometers became a clocking project for many young people, especially the “Generation Z” youth. Professional drivers can generally complete the full ring challenge in three or four hours, while ordinary riders can also complete it in about eight hours. Of course, more people choose to ride in sections – to experience the greenway with their family and friends, get close to nature, or take pictures with their camera when they stop. In addition, sharing bicycles also gives people the freedom to start and stop, so many citizens choose to ride the small yellow, small blue or small green, and start a free greenway journey.
This “May Day” holiday, inadvertently, the low-carbon, environment-friendly and fitness 100-kilometer green road around the city has entered the view of more people. Some people even teased on the Internet, “1/3 of Chengdu people are riding the green road around the city.”
Chengdu Cycling Bar is one of the largest cycling groups in Chengdu, which is active for more than 2000 cyclists in Chengdu. As the leader of the group, Tang Yonghao is a senior cyclist who likes to ride on the greenway most on weekdays. Tang Yonghao is the first group of cyclists around the greenway in Chengdu. He rides all the way along the greenway, immerses himself in the beautiful park, wetland and rural scenery, and enjoys the influence of nature and the sound of sports. It is really enjoyable. “Cycling around the greenway in Chengdu is not only beautiful and difficult, but also very convenient. No matter which direction you live in, you can quickly enter the greenway.” Tang Yonghao said that the greenway around the city is the best route for leisure riding, and it takes about 6 hours to ride 100 kilometers, which is also the best choice for the old belt in the group. “The scenery along the way is very beautiful. There are many bridges with a sense of design in the south. The greenway shuttles through the vast fields near Qinglong Lake, which is really refreshing.”
Wang Yue is the head of Chengdu Cycling Specialized Cycling Club, and has a small reputation in the Chengdu cycling industry. He said that there are many reasons why people like to ride on the greenway. In addition to being safer and more comfortable, the more important thing is to be close to nature and enjoy the beautiful environment of the city. He and his friends like to share videos and photos of cycling on the internet to attract more people to participate in cycling.
In the future, Chengdu will also build 16000 kilometers of greenways, and there will be more and more greenways around the city that can be used for long-distance riding. The sports related to nature are all-weather personal challenges that are open without closing time. It is there, waiting for you to explore your own fun. This is the best choice for the “Generation Z” youth to reshape the tourism destination.