Domestic tour to explore new space

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This spring, affected by the epidemic, the number of tourists and tourism consumption and other major indicators were lower than the same period last year. In the face of severe tests, the tourism industry actively seeks for vitality, strengthens endogenous power, finds new market demands and opens up new space for development.
Many highlights of online cloud travel
From April 13 to 15, Dai and other ethnic minorities welcomed the important traditional festival Water Splashing Festival. Affected by the epidemic, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, held the 2022 “Cloud Water Splashing Festival” online this year. Tourists from all over the country watch the Dai folk customs such as elephant foot dance, Zhangha exhibition, participate in activities such as “on the cloud” and “on the cloud” water sprinkling, and feel the atmosphere of the water sprinkling festival on the Internet.
“Only peonies are truly national, and when they bloom, they move the capital.” The peonies in Luoyang, Henan Province, have been blooming in full bloom. The annual Luoyang Peony Culture Festival opened online flower appreciation this year to make up for the regret that the majority of tourists could not go to Luoyang to enjoy flowers on the spot. People roamed different flower seas through the screen.
This spring, the multi-destination tourist attractions have launched two modes, namely, field tour and cloud upstream, to share the spring scenery online and offline. The colorful online cultural and tourism activities such as cloud flower appreciation, cloud live broadcast, cloud exhibition, cloud class, etc. make people travel around the world without leaving home. Many scenic spots in Yangzhou have launched “cloud tourism” activities, and local tour guides have become network anchors. They share the beauty and history of Yangzhou with netizens. The Slender West Lake scenic spot launched live broadcast activities with themes such as the Lake Merlin Punch Season and the “Charm of Spring” Collection of Elegant Styles, and invited netizens to “enjoy flowers in the cloud” online. Jinan Culture and Tourism Department launched “online classes” with various contents, such as Cloud Appreciation of Intangible Cultural Heritage, Cloud Appreciation of Classics, Art Online Learning, and Quancheng Art Masters Show.
Cloud tourism is the new highlight of this spring tour. The reporter learned from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism that at present, the supply level of online tourism products has been further improved. Online tourism products launched by “tourism+technology” have provided consumers with more distinctive and convenient services. Cloud tourism allows tourists to experience “micro tourism” and “micro vacation” at home.
The 14th Five-Year Plan for Tourism Development issued by the State Council proposes to make full use of digital, networked and intelligent scientific and technological innovation achievements, upgrade traditional tourism formats, innovate products and service modes, promote the transformation of tourism from resource-driven to innovation-driven, and provide new tourism services such as immersive interactive experience, virtual display, and smart guide, Promote the tourism scene construction represented by “Internet plus”.
Seek innovation based on the current situation
At present, short-distance tourism, urban peripheral tourism and local leisure tourism are the most active in the domestic tourism market. The academic results of the second quarter of this year released by the China Tourism Research Institute recently pointed out that visiting relatives and friends, urban leisure, rural vacation, ice and snow leisure, summer tourism, research travel and self-driving travel have become the mainstream of the market. First tier cities lead the new track of leisure tourism, and theme parks and resorts such as Universal Studios, Disney, Happy Valley, Rongchuang Snow Park are popular during the Spring Festival. Citizen leisure and short-distance travel provide unprecedented business opportunities for industrial innovation and business form innovation such as customized tourism, local life experience and community economy+tourism, and become a reality on tourism and social platforms.
The person in charge of the same trip told the reporter that the same trip actively explored local and surrounding travel scenarios, innovated new local travel methods, and launched a variety of new products such as script killing flights, hotel e-sports rooms, “pet hotels” and other weekend travel activities such as “ideal weekend without home”.
Tourism investment institutions and tourism market entities are facing new needs, cultivating new drivers, developing new projects and creating new models. Dai Bin, president of the China Tourism Research Institute, pointed out that for a long time, tourism investment and industrial supply mainly focused on the development of natural resources and historical and cultural resources. The epidemic has made the tourism industry recognize the power of the market again, and began to re-examine the development of tourism resources, project construction and industrial innovation from the perspective of consumption. More and more tourism enterprises have begun to focus on short-range tourism and local leisure market, emphasizing cultural leadership, technological innovation and integrated development, and driving stock optimization with incremental investment.
The recovery is promising
The recovery and revitalization of the tourism industry has been greatly supported by the national relief policy. The National Development and Reform Commission and other 14 departments recently issued Several Policies on Promoting the Recovery and Development of Difficult Industries in the Service Industry, and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism issued the Notice on the Implementation of the Relief and Support Policy for Promoting the Recovery and Development of Tourism, which injected confidence and impetus into the tourism industry.
Feng Rao, president of the Mafengwo Tourism Research Institute, said: “Many favorable relief policies in the near future are the long-term attention and support of the country to the tourism industry. Tourism enterprises should actively meet the current people’s travel and leisure needs through business innovation, and cooperate with the government to contribute to the recovery and revitalization of the tourism industry.” The relevant person in charge of Tuniu Tourism Network told the reporter that Tuniu will stabilize employment, explore innovation, and accelerate the layout of live broadcast business, Optimize products and services. In terms of ensuring the safety and experience of users’ travel, enhance the consumer confidence of tourists through booking guarantees such as “no return” and “automatic return after expiration”.
Dai Bin analyzed that the domestic tourism market may fluctuate in the short term and in some parts, but the long-term recovery trend is irreversible. He suggested to strengthen the development of urban modern life tourism resources, guide and support the tourism utilization of blocks, business circles, cultural sites, Olympic venues and urban parks, and create a rich and diverse new space for citizens and tourists to share a better life. In order to meet the practical needs of short-distance tourism and local leisure, a number of urban park and country park tourism routes and leisure projects have been launched. Tourism groups and small, medium and micro enterprises should be guided by “cultural guidance+technological innovation”, “new infrastructure+traditional projects”, “tourism demand+leisure space”, and rebuild the value of tourism industry in the process of recovery and innovation.