During the Spring Festival holiday, Yunnan generally cools down, and heavy snow falls on Jiaozi Snow Mountain in Kunming, Yunnan: the scene is as beautiful as a fairyland

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The weather in Yunnan is very cold during the Spring Festival. It has snowed heavily in many places, such as Lijiang, Lugu Lake, Shangri-La, and the Jiaozi Snow Mountain in Kunming. It is warm in spring at this time in previous years. The climate in Yunnan will generally cool in 2022, so the Spring Festival is different.
The weather for tourists to Yunnan this Spring Festival is not as good as that in previous years, but for some southern tourists, it is also another harvest to see the snow scenery, which is very different.
Today, let’s talk about the Jiaozi Snow Mountain in Kunming. The geographical coordinate of the Jiaozi Snow Mountain is located at the junction of Dongchuan District and Luquan Yi and Miao Autonomous County, more than 140 kilometers away from Kunming, and its main peak is more than 4200 meters above sea level. Tourists from other provinces are used to call the Jiaozi Snow Mountain (Kunming Jiaozi Snow Mountain). The Jiaozi Snow Mountain is surrounded by four peaks on the top of the mountain, and its main peak is between the four peaks, which looks like a sedan chair, so it is named “Jiaozi Snow Mountain”.
Jiaozi Snow Mountain is one of the four major snow mountain landscapes in Yunnan. It is as famous as Lijiang Yulong Snow Mountain, Baima Snow Mountain, Meili Snow Mountain and Haba Snow Mountain, and has always been favored by tourists from all over the world.
There are glaciers on the top of Jiaozi Snow Mountain that do not melt all the year round. The main peak is a silvery snow mountain all the year round. The melted snow water of the snow mountain glacier forms a waterfall in the mountains. The lake of Jiaozi Snow Mountain is like a mirror of the sky inlaid in the mountains. The lake water is clear and rippling, comparable to Lugu Lake.
In addition to snow mountains, glaciers, waterfalls, meadows and forests, the scenery of the Jiaozi Snow Mountain has its own characteristics all year round. In spring, the Jiaozi Snow Mountain can see the red sunshine golden mountain in the morning, and the silver glittering snow mountain at noon. In summer, the snow mountain is in the forest, grassland, wild flowers, and blue lake water. Surrounded by the forest, that is the beautiful Swiss scenery. In autumn, the bright Jiaozi Snow Mountain is another scenic spot. In winter, the Jiaozi Snow Mountain is covered with silver-white plain clothes, The snow-covered mountains are like a fairy tale world in ice and snow.
These days coincided with the Spring Festival in 2022, because there was heavy snow on the Jiaozi Snow Mountain. From the circle of friends, the news saw that the snow on the Jiaozi Snow Mountain was heavy this time. Although the scenery was beautiful, it was rare to see such heavy snow on the Jiaozi Snow Mountain during the Spring Festival. This was a visual feast, but because there were too many tourists, the Jiaozi Snow Mountain did not receive tourists for the time being, mainly considering the safety of tourists. The snowstorm was heavy, According to news reports, 4000 tourists visited Jiaozi Snow Mountain on the second day of the Spring Festival.
At this time, the 24 solar terms “Beginning of Spring” are coming, and the temperature changes greatly at this time of year. It is either as warm as in March, or it is snowing heavily, and it becomes winter overnight. So friends who travel to Yunnan these days should pay more attention to adding clothes to keep warm, and the temperature difference between morning and evening is large.