Fans of the game use Unity engine to develop the reprint of “Zero of the Rock”

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Capcom, the GBA platform, launched the series of “Locker Zero” games with Zero as the main character. Unlike the previous works of the Locker series, the game has been innovated in terms of story plot, combat style, and other aspects. Several works of the series have also been loved by players to varying degrees. However, Capcom has not launched the series of works for many years since 3D games have become popular, Now is the time for fans to show their strength!
Recently, a foreign game enthusiast used the Unity engine to produce a reprint of the “Rockman Zero”. At present, the project has been in progress for nearly two months. From its released development video, the battle of the game is more inclined to SquareEnix’s “Heart of the Kingdom” series, and the fighting action is fast and gorgeous, In addition, developers are also trying to add the hack system from “Metal Equipment Revenge: Rise” to the new game.
At present, the fan has released a demo of the remake of “Lock Zero” on his personal page. Considering that “Lock Zero” is only a single fan’s work, it is not realistic to play the full version