Fujian ignites delicious food “fireworks” and tourists enjoy delicious and fun

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Taste the Tongli pork swallow with thin and tender skin, watch the food season promotional film “Tasty and Fun, See you in Fujian!”, and explore hundreds of food routes… Recently, the theme activity of “2022 ‘Tasty and Fun’ Fujian Tourism Food Season”, jointly sponsored by the Fujian Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism and the Provincial Party Committee’s Cyber Information Office, was officially launched in Jian’ou. All parts of Fujian responded positively by launching a series of tourism and food activities, launching a series of food tourism routes, constantly lighting up the “fireworks” of food, attracting many tourists from both inside and outside the province to experience delicious, fun and enjoyable taste, and heating up the summer tourism market.
Introduce delicious food with passion
“Well, the vice mayors personally speak for the local cuisine” “It’s very kind of me. The foreign tourists who have come to Fujian for 20 years are all amazed”… At the theme activity of “2022 ‘Tasty, Fun and Enjoy the Taste’ Fujian Tourism Food Season”, the promotional film “Tasty, Fun, See you in Fujian!” released by the Fujian Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism and the promotional film of tourism food in nine cities and one district of Fujian Province tell the story of the “taste on the tongue” of the land of Fujian, It has attracted many netizens to praise it frequently.
Fujian is surrounded by mountains and sea, with a pleasant climate and rich products. The inclusive Bamin culture has bred rich and colorful local specialties. Fujian cuisine is one of the eight major cuisines in China. Buddha jumps over the wall, oyster frying, Sea worm jelly jelly, noodle paste, Shaxian snacks, Jianou pancakes and other special cuisines are famous at home and abroad.
“Food, as one of the six elements of tourism, is an indispensable and important part of people’s travel.” Punching in at the destination food store has become a necessary option for more and more tourists to travel, “said Wu Liguan, a first-level inspector of Fujian Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism.
In order to promote Fujian’s tourism cuisine, vice mayors from all over the country have appeared in the mirror to introduce. Zhuang Rongliang, deputy mayor of Xiamen City, said, “People in Xiamen love and understand food, and every street has authentic food.” Chen Xiaohui, deputy mayor of Quanzhou City, said, “The taste of Quanzhou’s countless delicacies has been lasting for thousands of years.” Jian Hongkun, deputy mayor of Longyan City, said, “Longyan is a red holy land, but also a world of food. When you eat in Longyan, the scenery is in front of you, and the beauty is in your heart.”
At the same time, the Fujian Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism carried out the live broadcast of the food relay of the Fujian Tourism Food Season, which was presented in the form of “live broadcast in the indoor studio+outdoor food visit interaction”. Focusing on the three sections of “listening to the taste of happiness”, “aftertaste of happiness” and “mystery of happiness”, the Fujian Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism promoted Fujian food culture through live interactive games, local food visits, food interactive topics, and interactive lottery, Lead netizens to “eat, play and enjoy”; Jointly with the Audiovisual New Media Center of China Central Radio and Television Corporation, the series of “Watching Fujian Station in China by Bus” was launched live to explore the delicious Fujian cuisine and share the taste memory of Fujian with the world.
According to the data provided by the Cultural Tourism Industry Index Laboratory, the theme activity of “2022 ‘Tasty, Fun and Tasty’ Fujian Tourism Food Season” has been launched for one week, with a cumulative audience of more than 200 million people, and the fresh Fujian cuisine is “out of the circle”.
On the evening of August 18, the offline activities of the 2022 Fuzhou Tourism Food Season were held in Sanfang Qixiang Anmin Alley. Immersive performances such as “one lane” and “one banquet” awakened the “ancient morning taste” in the memory of the old Fuzhou people. In the Anmin Alley, the cries of “fish balls, fish soup”, “maltose” and so on are endless, and the vendors in mandarin coats and cheongsam are carrying pole, shuttle back and forth in the bustling crowd, shouting along the street. “I remember that when I was a child, the peddler who sold fish balls always carried a pole and knocked the small bowl to make a ‘clang’ noise. I didn’t expect that the scene of childhood would reappear here.” Mr. Wang, a Fuzhou citizen, said excitedly.
The lively family dinner in the old house is the taste of nostalgia in memory. “The people all over the street say that Fuzhou fish balls can live up to the farmers, and deep-fried dough sticks are paired…” In the main courtyard of Yan Family Flower Hall in three lanes and seven alleys, along with the beautiful singing of Che, the traditional family feast in Fuzhou officially opened, and Fuzhou fish balls, Taiping Yan, Buddha jumps over the wall, fried double crisps and other top ten family feast foods in Fuzhou appeared one by one, reminding tourists of “nostalgia” on the tip of their tongue. “When I was a child, my mother would make fish balls, meat swallows and other family banquets. This traditional family banquet let me taste my mother’s taste again,” said Ms. Li, a tourist.
Innovative marketing polishes the “business card” of food
“I have been to many places and seen a lot of scenery. I am deeply impressed by Fujian’s unique cuisine and fresh nature. I will make a good strategy and recommend Fujian cuisine and tourism for more tourists.” Xiaohongshu tourism blogger @ Maung Li Xiaolan said with a smile.
In order to promote Fujian’s characteristic cuisine, the Fujian Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism organized the “Fun Taste in Fujian, Little Red Book Talent Picking Group” around the theme of “Fun Taste in Fujian, Taste Taste in Fujian, Taste in Food in Fujian, Taste in Food in Fujian, Taste in Food in Fujian”, “Fun Taste” and “Fun Taste”, which is not expensive, to share Fujian’s characteristic delicious food through short video, graphic notes, live broadcast and other ways, explore new experience of Fujian’s cuisine, new play methods of Fujian’s tourism, and experience the “Fun Taste” fun line, Keep polishing the “business card” of Fujian cuisine.
The dishes Shanjia crab and orange are fragrant, and the golden chicken and the dish are beautifully shaped… Recently, at the first Songyuan Haisi Feast and Southern Fujian Cuisine Inheritance and Creativity Competition in Shishi City, Fujian Province, more than 100 chefs showed their skills. Their exquisite knife work, careful cooking, exquisite carving, and creative dishes soon became a variety of delicious dishes. “The Shishi people came from the sea and ventured to the ends of the world, forming a catering culture that is both ancient and modern, and integrating Chinese and western food. This competition focuses on innovation, promotes the deep integration of food and tourism, and introduces the characteristic Fujian cuisine such as Shanjia crab brewed orange, Shanhaidou, golden chicken, and Paixiagong, which has launched the Shishi cuisine IP, and helped Shishi to create a ‘Fujian cuisine model city’.” The relevant person in charge of the competition said.
In August this year, the Fuzhou Tourism Association, the Fuzhou Catering and Cooking Industry Association and others launched the online voting activity of “The Promising Fuzhou Famous Snacks”. After the event was launched, it quickly exploded the circle of friends of Fuzhou people, and the cumulative number of votes in 10 days exceeded 360000. Recently, the online voting list of the “Unfulfilled Fuzhou Famous Snacks” was officially released, with 20 famous snacks including fish balls, meat swallows, shrimp crisps, and Laohua on the list. “With this list, foreign tourists can punch in one by one and taste the most authentic Fuzhou cuisine,” said the tourist expert “The Little Secret of Huaguo Mountain”.
“Each city has its own ‘snack business card’, which condenses the flavor of a piece of water and soil, makes tourists linger and forget to return.” Han Ming, president of Fuzhou Tourism Association, said that he hoped that through this activity, he could fully explore and display local snacks, create Fuzhou’s own “snack business card”, and invite more tourists to explore “Fuzhou on the tip of the tongue”.
Sanming is the source of the Minjiang River with picturesque scenery and beautiful waters. The unique landscape and humanity have created the unique folk culture and cuisine of Sanming. “In order to explore the local tourism cuisine, cultural cuisine and natural ecological cuisine of Sanming, the Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism, together with the counties (cities and districts), has innovatively launched the unique ‘one county and one whole banquet’, such as the Sanyuan all-duck banquet, the Shaxian all-cow banquet, and the Yong’an bamboo shoot banquet.” Yang Yongsheng, secretary of the Party Leadership Group and director of the Sanming Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism, introduced. Sanming City also attaches great importance to the exploration of food culture stories. For example, Zhu Xi left in Youxi “white mushroom”, “ganoderma lucidum three shows” and other poetic stories related to edible mushrooms, and Yang Shi’s story of entertaining guests with the Jiangle mushroom feast menu. There are food culture allusions behind the food feast in 11 counties and cities in Sanming, which let tourists understand the food culture of Sanming while tasting the food, and further build the consumer brand of “All Feasts, Three Brights”.
Deeply integrate into the hot summer market
At the theme activity site of “2022 ‘Tasty, Fun, Enjoy and Taste’ Fujian Tourism and Food Season”, a grand feast with distinctive cuisine from all over Fujian was staged. The 126 food booths not only displayed Jian’ou delicacies such as light cakes and smoked ducks, but also simultaneously introduced specialties from Fuzhou, Xiamen, Yongding beef balls, Fuding meat slices and other places, attracting many citizens and tourists to enjoy themselves.
“There were about 6000 bowls of food prepared for the event for two days. Unexpectedly, they were sold out in less than two hours. The scene was really too hot.” Chen Junfan, the fourth generation successor of Fuzhou Tongli Swift, said with a smile. It was very popular to introduce Tongli Swift in Jian’ou for the first time. I hope there will be more communication opportunities in the future and invite the citizens of Jian’ou to participate in the tasting experience.
“Launching the tourism food season, promoting the integrated development of food and tourism, and taking food as the medium to enrich the cultural and tourism industry are not only practical actions to promote the high-quality development of the cultural and tourism economy, but also practical measures to boost the confidence of the industry in development and to heat up the summer tourism market.” Wu Liguan said that Fujian will further explore and display the connotation of Fujian food culture, highlight local characteristics and flavors, and create unique culinary skills Different styles of Fujian flavor make Fujian cultural tourism “out of the circle”.
In order to further explore, cultivate and carry forward Fujian’s tourism food culture and promote the integrated development of food and tourism, Fujian Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, in conjunction with the cultural and tourism departments of nine cities and one district, has launched Fujian’s “100 bowls of special food”, “100 food blocks”, and “100 food tourism routes” to promote tourism consumption with food. “In order to enhance the interactive experience of tourists, in the form of situational drama+rap RAP, we have compiled the” 300 “of Fujian cuisine into the song” Tasty, Fun and Enjoy the Taste “. In the catchy RAP rhythm, Fujian cuisine has become the yearning of the majority of tourists,” said the relevant head of Fujian Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism.
In order to attract more tourists to taste local food, Fujian has also launched a series of measures to develop the hot summer tourism market.
“Quanzhou is thriving because of the sea, and is the world’s marine trade center in Song and Yuan Dynasty China. Different nationalities, cultures, beliefs and eating styles meet and merge into Quanzhou cuisine with unique characteristics.” The relevant person in charge of the Quanzhou Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism said that the city has launched 10 food blocks, 15 food routes, and nearly 100 specialty food snacks, and launched the Luojiang District Specialty Food Exhibition A series of activities, such as the beautiful “food” festival in Wulin, make food and culture collide and promote tourism consumption.
Since this year, the Sanming Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism, in conjunction with all counties (cities and districts), has issued incentive policies and innovatively launched a large-scale “food+Internet” themed marketing campaign of “China’s Green City · Full Banquet of Sanming”. Through the theme of “one month, one county, one full banquet”, it has created a food “blessing” feast with local cultural characteristics of Sanming; The city’s travel agencies were organized to plan the excellent route of “Sanming of the Whole Feast · Food Tour”, and distributed promotional materials such as “Introduction to Sanming of the Whole Feast”, “Introduction to the Six Famous Banquets of Jiangle”, and “Ninghua Food Map”, to attract tourists to meet the different “green capital of China · the most oxygen sanming”.
“Under the guidance of the municipal bureau, all counties (cities and districts) have actively held activities, created products and launched routes to promote the integrated development of ‘food+tourism’.” Yang Yongsheng introduced that the introduction and tasting meetings such as “Landscape Music · Yongcheng Famous Banquet”, “Bamin Food Carnival · 100000 diners under Ninghua” and “Jianning Whole Lotus Banquet” were brilliant and effective. According to statistics, Yong’an City held two “all bamboo banquet” promotional activities, displaying the authentic Yong’an “bamboo” cultural cuisine, and selling more than 600 “all bamboo banquet” tables. Qingliu County launched the “Full Feast of the Three Mings and the Moon Festival · Qingliu Whole Sheep Feast Shopping and Eating Tour”, and sold more than 50 tables of Qingliu Whole Sheep Feast that month. Jianning County has held three live broadcast activities of Tiktok all lotus banquet, and has sold more than 500 lotus food banquets, realizing a catering income of more than 400000 yuan.
The Fuzhou Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism has launched the “Fuzhou Tourism Food Exclusive Reduction” activity. In conjunction with 12 counties (cities) and high-tech zones in Fuzhou, it has launched 100000 quota reductions in 20 food blocks and released the “Fuzhou Tourism Food Map” e-book, which comprehensively and meticulously displays 20 food blocks, 13 tourist food punch lines and 20 “unforgettable Fuzhou famous snacks”, Let tourists realize the goal of “shopping and eating in Fuzhou”.
“The 2022 Fuzhou Tourism and Food Season is to promote the in-depth integration of tourism and food, make a living of the combination of ‘delicious’ and’ fun ‘articles, stimulate cultural and tourism consumption, and launch the innovative exploration of the’ Fu Culture ‘brand.” Gao Zheng, director of the Industrial Development Division of the Fuzhou Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism, said that in the next step, Fuzhou will take the “food+cultural tourism” as the main focus, connecting the characteristic food routes and characteristic food stores, The high-quality development of Fuzhou’s culture and tourism will be promoted through food driving such tourism elements as “living, traveling, shopping and entertainment”.