Greater Meizhou: The Yellow River shore, a hundred-mile style, how can one praise the word.

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Lanzhou, as a transit city on the northwest tourism line, reaches Dunhuang in the north, Gannan in the south, Xining in the west, Yinchuan in the east, and the river runs continuously. It flows through Lanzhou from west to east, sandwiched between the north and south mountains, making it a narrow and long city extending from east to west. Day and night, the water of the Yellow River flows into the distance ceaselessly, making Lanzhou a city of “temperament”. The billowing waves and waves have not only nurtured the land and water of Lanzhou, but also created the bold and rugged character of Lanzhou people. This city is also becoming warmer and richer because of the Yellow River.
The Yellow River originates in Qinghai, and the water flowing through Lanzhou is not as open as its downstream. However, the 40-kilometer Yellow River style line built by Lanzhou people with huge investment in recent years has become the preferred place for people to enjoy leisure and entertainment, and even some tourists from the south praise its beauty. Although there is no “water of the Yellow River rising from the sky”, it is like a modern “Qingming River Map”, which makes people marvel at the beautiful scenery. The Yellow River style line built along the river in Lanzhou, like a string of dazzling pearls, attracts Chinese and foreign tourists from all directions.
Wuquan Mountain is named for its benefits, nectar, moon, touch, and five-eyed spring water. There are ancient buildings at the top of Wuquan Mountain. From the mountain gate, straight up along the middle passage, there are Butterfly Pavilion, Vajra Hall, the Shakya ManiHall, Wanyuan Pavilion, Wenchang Palace, Dizang Temple, Thousand Buddha Pavilion and other ancient temples arranged along the mountain, stacked layer by layer, connected by stone steps, pavilions and corridors. The two wings of the middle peak are east and west Longkou, and the five springs are arranged in an arc along the line from East Longkou to Wenchang Palace to West Longkou, hanging on the mountainside. The springs are also connected by stone steps, trestles and pavilions.
The Yellow River Mother is a statue designed and made by He Ernu, a sculptor in Gansu Province. The statue is carved with a mother holding a baby. The mother Zheng is absorbed in watching the child play in her arms. The image of the statue is a metaphor of the relationship between the great “mother” of the Yellow River and the “son” representing the Chinese nation: the Chinese nation is living happily and multiplying under the nourishment of the Yellow River. The whole statue has simple lines, but contains profound implications.
The Yellow River Railway Bridge is one of the most important landmarks in Lanzhou, and it is also the place that tourists must visit when visiting Lanzhou. The iron bridge is more than 200 meters long and about 78 meters wide. It retains the black iron frame bridge built more than 100 years ago and is very simple. In the process of repair for hundreds of years, five large iron arches have been erected on the bridge body, which is beautiful. At the bridge head on the south side of the iron bridge, there are three big characters of “Zhongshan Bridge” in gold, and an ancient stone tablet inscribed with “The First Bridge of the Yellow River”. Every day, many tourists come here to take a group photo as a souvenir of coming to Lanzhou.
The White Pagoda Mountain was built in the Yuan Dynasty and rebuilt in the Ming Dynasty. The temple plane is rectangular, and the White Pagoda is in the middle. The tower is eight sides and seven steps high, about 17 meters high. It has a green top on the top and a round base on the bottom. It is white, straight and beautiful. The top of the White Tower, overlooking the city of Lanzhou, combines exquisite architectural structure and exquisite carving art, fully demonstrating the wisdom and artistic creativity of the ancient working people, and is a masterpiece of ancient Chinese architecture. The white tower and the iron bridge on the Yellow River form a magnificent picture and become one of the symbols of Lanzhou.
Gansu Provincial Museum is a large-scale comprehensive museum in Gansu Province. It has gathered a large number of cultural treasures from ancient times to modern times, especially Gansu colored pottery, bamboo slips of the Han Dynasty, treasures of the Silk Road of the Han and Tang Dynasties, Buddhist art treasures, ancient biological fossils and other precious cultural relics with unique characteristics, and has become a dazzling treasure in the world’s art palace.