Immersive night tour of Xiamen National Day holiday becomes a highlight

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During the National Day holiday this year, Xiamen’s cultural and tourism system coordinated epidemic prevention and control and cultural and tourism economic recovery and development, enriched the supply of holiday culture and tourism products, and constantly stimulated the vitality of cultural and tourism consumption. Among them, leisure camping and coastal leisure have become popular choices for citizens and tourists, and immersive night travel experience has become a new highlight.
Leisure camping is popular. During the National Day holiday, the popularity of micro vacation, camping in the countryside and other new games has increased. Four camping areas, A, B, C and D, are set up on the newly renovated Jimei Shili Causeway. Tourists can view Xinglin Bridge and Jimei Bridge, overlook Xinglin Bay and Maluan Bay, and watch sunrise and sunset. The off work starry tent camp of Yefeng Stronghold on Huandao Road is very popular, and it is hard to get a “account”. Jimei Shuanglongtan campsite integrates valley scenery, outdoor sports and self-help barbecue. Tourists can not only experience grass skiing, rock climbing, archery, horse riding and other recreational activities, but also enjoy the quiet and elegant leisure and holiday atmosphere. Jimei Fruit Park has set up campsites in the starry pastures, as well as amusement parks, agricultural experience areas, cute pet pastures and other entertainment projects, which are deeply loved by parents and children. The “Jimei Creative Arts Park”, the treasure camp of Tianma Mountain, carefully prepares leisure projects such as cat cafes, ceramic art, home accommodation, etc., so that tourists can enjoy the “artistic style” camping fun.
Coastal leisure is popular. During the National Day holiday, there was an endless stream of tourists from the waterfront and waterside places or coastal trails, such as the wooden plank road around the island in Xiamen, the Guanyin Landscape World, the Xiamen University White City, the martial arts viewing platform, the Huangcuo beach bathing place, the Yefeng Village, the Wuyuan Bay, the romantic line around the east coast, the Malawan Belt Park, the most beautiful sea bike lane in Xinglin Bay, and so on. Citizens and tourists strolled along the sea, played sand and water, and felt happy time. Many sea experience projects, such as wakewave surfing, HOBIE sailing, paddleboarding, OP sailing, canoeing and so on, are favored by young tourists. Sailing out and experiencing the charm of riding the wind and waves in person have become a new choice for young people to enjoy water. During the National Day holiday, the yacht sailing experience project at Wuyuan Bay and Wutong Wharf received more than 10000 tourists.
Immersive night tour experience becomes a highlight. During the National Day holiday, Chengyi Science and Technology Exploration Center launched the “Time and Space Castle Mapping Show”, Fujian’s first all-powerful light and shadow exhibition, as well as the floating lantern dance, magic ocean, and UFO holographic theater, to present children and parents with a wonderful night of science and technology. Joy Fair, LIVE show of beach national style music, China-Chic song and dance flash, outdoor film and other activities were held at Jupeng Flying Dream Coast, which ignited the enthusiasm of citizens and tourists for night trips. Fangte Fantasy Kingdom held a grand birthday fireworks show, bringing a shocking visual experience to citizens and tourists. The Hulishan Fort has created a wonderful night of cultural protection, and launched the 2.0 version of the night tour project “Looking for the entrance of the Xiamen Yuan Universe”. There are 13 immersive interactive night tour punch points, such as the eight fort, the 100-meter banyan road, the red-clad artillery array, and the single-tree forest, which makes tourists feel like they are in the “Avatar” light and shadow world. In addition, Zengcuo’an Cultural and Creative Street, Gudi Stone Square Music, etc. all attract a large number of citizens to take night trips and punch in. Large-scale immersive interactive experience cultural tourism project – “Xiamen Joy” is popular during the National Day holiday, and ticket sales hit a new high.