It is 2 hours away from the ancient village in Hangzhou, and there are few scenic spots near the mountains and rivers. It is suitable for walking children and appreciating autumn flowers

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The beginning of winter is the 19th solar term of the 24 solar terms and the beginning of winter. With the arrival of the solar term of the beginning of winter, the northern regions of China are also gradually entering the early winter. However, in the south, from the beginning of winter to the end of light snow, there will often be sunny, warm and comfortable “little sunny spring” weather. In the folk, there is a saying of “little sunny spring in October”, which is the so-called “warm in August and warm in September, and little sunny spring in October”. It is generally not very cold in the early winter in the south. With the passage of time, the cold air frequently descends to the south after the winter solstice, and the temperature gradually decreases.
Therefore, compared with the chilly wind in November in the north, the south is still sunny and warm at this time. In other words, most provinces, cities and regions in the south also entered the late autumn from the early autumn. In the south of the Yangtze River in November, autumn is getting stronger. In the south of the Yangtze River in late autumn, after the frost, the maple leaves are beautiful and pure, the ginkgo leaves are gorgeous and transparent, the pines and cypresses are verdant and pressing, the fluttering reed flowers are antagonistic, the scenery is picturesque, and the amorous south of the Yangtze River is shining under the pen of the literati, and stands tall in the dreams that have been expected for many years.
There are pink walls and black tiles that are missed day and night, ancient lanes with misty rain, and lilacs with melancholy knots. When it comes to Jiangnan, or those urban tourism impressions related to it, it must be Suzhou and Hangzhou. It is said that there is paradise above and Suzhou and Hangzhou below. However, for the beauty of Hangzhou in November, apart from the bustling West Lake of Hangzhou, far away from the noisy and noisy downtown area of Hangzhou, you can not only enjoy and feel the beauty of autumn in the south of the Yangtze River, but also reasonably avoid the crowded tourists.
Today, let’s take you to Huangrao Village, Xiaya Town, Jiande City, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, and have a look at the different scenery here. Xiaya Town is 12 kilometers away from Xin’an River Town. It is located in the middle of Xin’an River in Hangzhou’s “two rivers and one lake” scenic spot. It is a must pass for the golden tourist route of Hangzhou Qiandao Lake Mount Huangshan, with beautiful environment and a galaxy of people. The town has a long history. Sun Shao, the senior general of Sun Quan, was born here. It is precisely because Sun Shao was named “Marquis of Jiande”, which means “meritorious service and virtue”.
Xiaya Town also has the “Temple of the Marquis of Jiande” and Sun’s “Fuchun Hall” in memory of Sun Shao. Xiaya Town still has a good ecological environment and ancient style. Slate streets and ancient houses can be seen everywhere, simple and natural, simple and peaceful. Huangrao Village is under the jurisdiction of Xiaya Town, Jiande City, about 18 kilometers away from the downtown of Jiande and about 125 kilometers away from the downtown of Hangzhou. It is the core area of Jiande High-speed Railway New Area to build a demonstration model for rural revitalization, the most attractive and resource-rich basin of Xin’anjiang, with unique natural landscape, and also the flower sea area that Xin’anjiang Comprehensive Protection Project focuses on.
In recent years, Huahai has been planted in Huangrao Village, Hangzhou, in spring and autumn. In spring, it is mainly a thousand mu of rape flower sea. In autumn, Xiangrikui, Persimmonia, Centaurea, Thiohua chrysanthemum, etc. have been introduced. Huangrao Village is also known as Huangrao Peninsula, and the beautiful blooming flower sea hidden here is part of Huangrao Peninsula Flower Sea Scenic Spot. Huangrao Peninsula Flower Sea Scenic Spot is divided into three blocks, namely, painted garden, cloud flower field and Binjiang Road, with a total area of nearly 1000 mu. Among them, the most popular painted pastoral plate looks down from the air like a big whale crossing the sea of flowers.
Especially for friends who work and live in Hangzhou and surrounding provinces and cities, if you say, they are tired of the noise and noise of the city. I want to take advantage of the weekend or other free time to go out and play, take pictures of the children, appreciate the autumn, and appreciate and feel the beauty related to Hangzhou. Still, for this ancient village, which is 2 hours away from Hangzhou, with a beautiful scenery, suitable for strolling children and appreciating autumn flowers. Huangrao Village, located in Hangzhou, is really a good place to visit.
Here, we need a warm reminder that Huangrao Village is open 24 hours a day without tickets. In addition, you can visit and play here, take photos and admire the autumn, and park for free. If you are interested in this place, you can collect it first. Don’t start until you have time. Take her (him), or relatives and friends together, and have a good hug and feel the different visual feast and touching brought by Huangrao Village in Hangzhou.