Jiangxi “parent-child tour” and “night tour” occupy the C position

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Colorful spring and summer, blooming in May. During the May Day holiday this year, the “parent-child tour” and “night tour” in Jiangxi took the first place. Many scenic spots in the province launched colorful research and folk activities, attracting a large number of parent-child tourists. The scene of parent-child tourists’ happiness and harmony can be seen everywhere in the scenic spots; At the same time, some scenic spots launched night music festivals and other special activities, which became fashionable at one time and attracted a large number of tourists to experience.
Futian Ancient Town, located in Qingyuan District, Ji’an City, is an ancient town with a history of more than 1800 years. This is the hometown of the national hero Wen Tianxiang and the important birthplace of Luling culture. The “ancient”, “red” and “green” tourism resources complement each other. During the holiday, many tourists took their children into the ancient town to learn about history and culture and look for traces of the past. Activities such as the Red History and Culture Exhibition, folk culture feast, ancient village research and learning, and the number one cultural experience make parent-child tourists linger. Mr. Zhou, a tourist from Ji’an, said, “You can enjoy both historic sites and beautiful scenery here. The most important thing is to let children understand our Ji’an culture.”
During the holiday, Shangqing Ancient Town on Longhu Mountain is also bustling, with a group of adults and children competing to participate in fruit cutting competition, fruit eating competition, fruit gobang and other interesting activities. It is reported that Shangqing Ancient Town has prepared apples, pears, pineapples and other fruits, and carried out a variety of interesting competitions in the ancient stage, Longma Port, Tianshifu Square and other places. The tourists have fun and eat. “This is an interesting activity, which allows children to exercise their hands and brains while experiencing team cooperation,” said Ms. He, a tourist from Yingtan.
In addition, at the tourist center of the Longhu Mountain Scenic Spot, the series of activities of “Thank you for your contribution to the world’s workers”, performed by children, were carried out enthusiastically, and activities such as children’s fairytale tea art exhibition, children’s song chorus, children’s folk culture exhibition and so on were popular with citizens and tourists.
In the evening, the “Fairy Hill Carnival Night, May Day Beer and Music Carnival” in Longhu Mountain opened grandly, which is a dreamy music night created by Longhu Mountain Scenic Area in conjunction with China Voice. The tourists are full of passion and have joined the Super Hi Free Beer Music Carnival.
“In accordance with the epidemic prevention requirements, the Longhu Mountain Scenic Spot has strengthened the epidemic prevention measures in various scenic spots, and set up tourist consultation points and volunteer service teams in many public areas such as the tourist center and team center to create a safe and comfortable tourism environment for tourists,” said the relevant person in charge of the Longhu Mountain Scenic Spot.
During the May Day holiday, Wugong Mountain in Pingxiang City, Jiangxi Province, was full of people and singing. The outdoor electric syllables of Wugong Mountain were staged on the holiday night, and many wonderful programs appeared on the stage one after another, fulfilling the dream of many Pingxiang citizens to participate in the fashion outdoor music festival at the “home gate”. “We came from Yichun and stayed in the homestay, which is very convenient. We can play in the mountains and rivers during the day and play in the electric syllables at night. This is really an unusual experience.” said Li Fanqi, a post-90s tourist.
“A few days before the music festival, we can receive a lot of room reservation calls every day, and the number of guests has increased by 34% compared with the usual number. I hope that the music festival will be held every year.” said Jiang Qiaoli, general manager of Wugong Mountain Yunshang Huahua Boarding.
At the Huajianli exhibition booth, local characteristic products such as Wugong Mountain purple red rice, alpine green tea and so on make tourists love and buy. Cultural and creative products such as donkey “Youyou”, tent sound and small steel cannon sold at the booth are also popular with tourists.
“The electric syllable has brought tens of thousands of tourists to the scenic area, boosted the consumption of the scenic area and surrounding towns, and led to the rapid recovery of the cultural and tourism chain business forms such as home accommodation and catering in the surrounding areas,” said Zhou Hong, the person in charge of Huajianli Scenic Area.
In recent years, Wugong Mountain has given full play to its own endowment advantages, and has deeply cultivated “tourism+” and promoted the integration of culture and tourism through IP building and industrial integration. In particular, the outdoor music festival held in Wugong Mountain for two consecutive years has promoted the quality and development of local tourism while bringing tourists the experience of tide and play.