Today, March 9th, Nintendo announced the latest update to its racing game, “Mario Racing 8 Deluxe Edition,” Ver.2.3.0, which has undergone several revisions and adjustments.
The latest update Ver.2.3.0 for Mario Racing 8 Deluxe Edition mainly includes:
DLC has launched its fourth full charge, adding eight tracks and one character, Catherine, and two more.
Improve the performance of certain roles or parts.
You can see it in the rearview mirror when spinning, collapsing, or turning into a killer.
When using a superstar or Theresa in a lightning strike, the crash state becomes smaller.
The button “Add season tickets to the track” has been added to the homepage menu. If there are no season tickets, a link to E-store will be added.
Fixed a problem where falling lightning hit the ground at a different time.
Fix the problem of being transported away without leaving the track after hitting the wall.
Fix other issues, etc
Mario Racing 8: Deluxe Edition has been updated and adjusted in several places
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