People in Beijing enjoy good culture

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It is said that Beijing has rich cultural resources and good cultural quality, but this “good” is not “called”, nor “blown”, nor “fried”, but actually worked out. The government makes policies, opens channels, builds platforms and bridges; Enterprises and institutions seize the opportunity, come up with ideas, and make products; The common people often walk around, are willing to spend money, spend more, have fun, set up a platform for all three parties, and all three parties are suitable.
To be a cultural person is to be afraid of being aloof and self-satisfied. To be a “Mei Lanfang” in a glass cover, if you listen well, you will be hungry sooner or later; However, it is not the way of Beijing culture to “ask for seats” only by crooked ways and running trains with full mouth. It is even contrary to social responsibility. How can Beijing’s excellent culture achieve both social and economic benefits?
Don’t say, we old and new Beijingers are quite talented.
Beijing opera
◎ Research on Beijing Opera
◎ Commentary on Peking Opera
◎ Draw a map of Beijing Opera
Beijing opera can still be played like this
Beijing Opera is a business card of Beijing, and Xicheng District is the birthplace of Beijing Opera. How to protect, inherit and develop the big IP of Beijing Opera, Xicheng District has not little thought. A few days ago, Xicheng District held the theme activity of “National Essence Tour”, the birthplace of Peking Opera in Xicheng District, at Sanqing Park in Dashilan. Around the brand of “birthplace of Peking Opera”, relevant personnel introduced their practices. These practices can be summarized as follows: the combination of the old, the middle and the young.
The Xicheng Federation of Social Sciences of the Drama Institute of the Chinese Academy of Arts jointly released the research results of the topic “Research on Peking Opera Culture in Xicheng District”.
This project focuses on the protection and revitalization of China’s excellent traditional culture, starting from the aspects of palace Peking Opera, private residence system, Jingzhong Temple of Opera Guild, Peking Opera troupes and actors, theater culture, Peking Opera genres, Peking Opera literature, costume decoration, imperial opera schools, Peking Opera troupes, modern inheritance and development, etc., using historical documents and realistic materials, To comprehensively and accurately outline the historical context and modern track of the development of Beijing opera art in the western city of Beijing. The subject will be collected into a book and officially published in the near future.
Inheritance of Chinese famous writers’ comments
The full edition of the original evaluation book “The Romance of the Pear Garden” supported by Xicheng District’s culture and art support fund was officially released. This review focuses on the initial formation of Peking Opera. Under the background of “the confluence of Hui and Han” and “the struggle for elegance and beauty”, the heroes of Liyuan seek innovation and change, achieve the essence of the opera with flesh and blood, promote the progress of the great art, rewrite the history and create the eternal glory in the changing world. The book shows the love of the pear garden. The master, the father and son of the apprentice, and the colleagues share the same feelings, or have the same feelings, or have the opposite side. The legend of the chrysanthemum altar is all in this book “The Romance of the Pear Garden”.
The book was broadcast by Wang Yuebo, a famous actor of the rap troupe of the China Coal Mine Culture and Works Group, and has been put on the Xicheng Culture Cloud for free listening.
Green aims to make maps in the future
The cultural map of Beijing Opera in Xicheng District was released at the same time. Historically, Xicheng District has witnessed the birth, growth, achievements and brilliance of Beijing Opera with its stage, scientific class and famous actors. In order to display the rich historical and cultural resources of Peking Opera in Xicheng District and tell the story of the birthplace of Peking Opera in Xicheng District well, the Publicity Department of Xicheng District Committee, together with relevant experts, finally selected some of the most representative landmarks of Peking Opera and launched this cultural map. The important theaters, science classes, box offices in the history of Peking Opera, as well as the familiar theatres, former residences and museums in the current time, are on the paper.
This picture will enable people to review the history of Beijing Opera, lead people to walk through time and space, walk in alleys and lanes, and find the original intention of inheritance.
It is reported that in recent years, in the process of promoting the construction of the national cultural center, Xicheng District has deeply explored the culture of the old city, focused on creating the cultural brand of “the birthplace of Peking Opera”, and promoted the inheritance and promotion of excellent traditional culture by deepening the study of Peking Opera, deeply digging the cultural connotation of the quintessence of China, implementing key cultural relics projects, and building brand activities.
Experience a “cultural map of Peking Opera” with more than 200 years of Peking Opera history
Yesterday, the reporter of Beijing Youth Daily experienced the “journey of the quintessence of Chinese culture – Beijing Opera Culture Map of Xicheng District” produced by the Publicity Department of the CPC Beijing Xicheng District Committee.
Said to be “map”, in fact, this “Beijing Opera Culture Map of Xicheng District” is a small program. Click its directory, and the reporter of Beiqing Daily found that the address selected on this map includes four categories, namely: “Beijing Opera talent training and exchange”; “Stage art”; “Former Residence and Museum of Peking Opera Celebrities”; “Beijing Opera Art Management, Communication and Research Organization”.
In the past, people paid more attention to the places of Peking Opera performances and the former residences of Peking Opera celebrities, such as Mei Lanfang Grand Theater, Huguang Guild Hall, Mei Lanfang’s former residence, Shang Xiaoyun’s former residence, Ma Lianliang’s former residence, etc. But in this map, users can find many popular places in Peking Opera, such as Peiping Liyuan Trade Union, Chinese Opera Society (former site), etc. In addition, this map even has box office. The famous box office in history and the popular box office of the people are marked on it, such as the Financial Peking Opera Troupe, the Niujie National Voice Peking Opera Troupe, and so on.
Although the content is traditional culture, this map is designed to meet the taste of young people. Visually, there are cartoon Mu Guiying as the background character; In use, click “Filter” and then press the indicator icon “Small Light Bulb” on the map to get the queried unit and its introduction, and each introduction is equipped with corresponding pictures.
According to the staff of the Publicity Department of the Xicheng District Party Committee, in order to further promote the art of Peking Opera, tell the story of Peking Opera well, and polish the golden card of the “birthplace of Peking Opera”, the Publicity Department of the Xicheng District Party Committee, together with a number of experts, finally selected some of the most representative landmarks of Peking Opera, and finally launched this cultural map.
This group of articles/our reporter Man Yi
A new way to play tourism unlocks “cultural tourism in Beijing”
One of the series brands of the 9th Beijing Benefiting People Cultural Consumption Season and the theme week of Beijing Cultural Consumption Brand Week “Recreation in Beijing”, recently set off at the Jingshan Street Civic Culture Center in “Four Times after the United States”, leading the citizens to follow the most beautiful central axis, explore the cultural context of the capital for a thousand years, and view the ancient charm and new face of the capital from multiple perspectives.
The theme week of “Entertainment and Tourism in Beijing” focuses on the two main theme units of “Entertainment and Tourism · Central Axis” and “Entertainment and Tourism · Culture”. In the lively conversation, we will have a panoramic view of the central axis, touch the marks of thousands of years, explore the anecdotes behind one house and one scene, and lead the citizens to enjoy the new way of “cultural tourism in Beijing”.
During the entertainment tour and axis interview, Guan Zhanxiu, director of the Zhengyang Gate Management Office, director of the Beijing axis heritage protection center, cultural scholar, and Li Shuang, member of the China Museum Society, traced the historical changes of the Beijing axis, and revealed the long-term significance of the Chinese traditional philosophy, etiquette culture and the protection of the axis through the vivid introduction of the ancient coordinates of the Beijing axis, such as the Zhengyang Gate, the front door, and the Great Barrier.
In the entertainment tour and culture link, Li Hui, the head of the Beijing event of Art Tourism Culture, Gou Chao, the deputy secretary general of the Beijing Society of History, Geography and Folklore, the member of the Beijing Folk Artists Association, and the member of the Beijing Quyi Artists Association, led the citizens to explore the diversity of Beijing culture and unlock the new form of the popular “cultural tour” in the old imperial city and the modern atmosphere of the fashionable city.
In addition, during the brand cycle of “Entertainment Tour Beijing”, a series of live broadcast activities of “Cultural Tour Beijing” were specially planned and launched. Together with a number of experts, scholars, and tourism experts, they toured Beijing online, leading the citizens to understand the unknown tourist attractions in Beijing, and showing more interesting and cultural new ways to play Beijing tour.
By Guo Jia
“Scholarly Capital” Reading has “substantial benefits”
On December 1, one of the series of brands in the 9th Beijing Benefiting People Cultural Consumption Season, the theme activity of Beijing Cultural Consumption Brand Week, “Book Fragrance of the Capital City, Benefiting People’s Reading”, was grandly opened in Wangfujing Bookstore. Book list recommenders, book platforms and publishing industry personages gathered at the scene to jointly release the “Book List of National Reading Benefits · Famous Books”, a map of 80 characteristic bookstores in Beijing, “National Reading Benefits · Book Fragrance Coordinates”, and 80 short videos of “Encounter Beijing Characteristic Bookstores”, leading the new trend of national reading with comprehensive reading experience and multiple activities benefiting the people.
The brand week of “Scholarly Capital · National Reading Benefits” jointly released the “National Reading Benefits · Famous Books List” with 50 celebrities to provide personalized reading guidance for citizens. A total of 300 good books and masterpieces are divided into five categories: publishers, bookstores, electronic platforms, book reviewers, and writers. On this basis, two derivative products, namely children’s book list and red book list, have been added, covering poetry, novels, documentary literature, biography, essays, history, philosophy, sociology, technology, art, children’s books, and red books. Citizens can scan the code to access the “Reading for All” H5 activity page to get the list of famous books at the major physical bookstores in Beijing, the offline activities of the cultural consumption season series, and the official subscription number of the Beijing cultural consumption season.
By August 2021, there were 2055 physical bookstores and more than 200 characteristic bookstores in Beijing. This time, the “Book City · Book City for All” brand week jointly released the map of Beijing characteristic bookstore “Book City · Book City for All” in conjunction with Gaode Map. During the activity, citizens can search the old bookstore, theme bookstore, the most beautiful bookstore, diversified bookstore, scenic bookstore and fan bookstore on the Gaode Map for any of the key words, and can view more than 80 Beijing characteristic bookstores in six categories. They can also choose their own desired coordinates according to the distance, the reason for recommendation and the actual picture to open a rich cultural life.