Qinghai: Cultivate feelings of home and country with red tourism

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Go to the classic red tourism scenic spot to review the red history and accept the spiritual baptism in the patriotism education base… In Qinghai, the development of red tourism is in full swing. The Qinghai Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism recently established the “Qinghai Provincial Red Tourism Alliance” to build an exchange platform for the province’s classic red tourism scenic spots, patriotism education bases, revolutionary cultural relics protection units, etc., to use red tourism to cultivate the feelings of home and country, and to welcome the victory of the 20th CPC National Congress with the vigorous development of red tourism.
“In Qinghai, every photo taken can be used as a screensaver! Here are not only the blue Qinghai Lake, but also the sunken fish swimming at the bottom of the lake, the eagle flying in the blue sky, the cattle and sheep walking along the lake, and the touching revolutionary story… It can be said that Qinghai’s beautiful mountains and waters are more beautiful.” said Xu Tingting, a tourist. At present, there are 5 national classic red tourism scenic spots, 7 provincial classic red tourism scenic spots, 8 national patriotism education bases and 33 provincial patriotism education bases in Qinghai.
“Let’s go, let’s take the old people and children to the Atomic City. Let the old people relive the years of passion; let the children receive red education, learn red history, and cultivate patriotism.” On August 16, Chen Xia and his family drove from Xining to the Atomic City Memorial Hall to start a one-day tour.
Since its free opening in May 2009, the Atomic City Memorial Hall has deeply explored and studied the history and culture of the atomic city, deepened the theme of “two bombs and one star” spiritual education, expanded social education functions, and focused on the role of value leading and energy gathering, becoming a red classroom for the public to remember history and inspire spirit.
Sophia, the announcer of the Atomic City Memorial, said that because her family members were party members, she had received red education from her grandparents since childhood, loved the Party and the motherland. When she grew up, she was always inspired by the story of “two bombs and one star”, so she had the idea of becoming the successor and disseminator of the red spirit, and passed on these precious spiritual wealth.
He Ying, a national excellent guide who has participated in red tourism in Qinghai for a long time, said: “The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is about to be held. As a tour guide, we should tell the story of the Party well, tell the story of Qinghai well, and let the red gene pass on from generation to generation. Many red education bases, such as the Memorial Hall of the West Route Army of the Chinese Workers and Peasants Red Army, are important carriers for inheriting the red gene and rallying the forces of progress. The red tourism developed on this basis has become a bright card of Qinghai tourism.”
In 2021, Qinghai integrated the red tourism resources of various places, and launched 10 high-quality red experience routes, such as the Red Tourism Experience around the Great Beauty of Qinghai, the Red Experience in the Hongjun Valley, the Red Experience in the Source of Three Rivers, and the Red Experience in the Atomic City.
In order to let red tourism shine in the new era, Qinghai has deeply explored the connotation of red tourism and carefully created red tourism products. Haibei Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture has deeply explored the red cultural connotation of China’s first nuclear weapons research and development base, set up teaching modules such as ideal and belief education, patriotism education, national defense education, national unity and progress education, and ecological civilization construction education, and developed 10 on-site teaching sites, initially forming a relatively complete red education system; Hongjungou, Banma County, Golog Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture actively creates high-quality red training classes for party spirit education; The General Building Park in Golmud, Haixi Mongolian and Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, attracts party and government officials from all over the country to come here to experience the hard process of building the Qinghai-Tibet Highway.
Ma Jianjian, deputy director of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Qinghai Province, said that since the 18th CPC National Congress, the work of red tourism in Qinghai Province has adhered to the principle of developing in protection and protecting in development, and has found a way to improve the quality of red tourism with red culture and highlight the red culture with red tourism, forming a red tourism resource system with red tourism classic scenic spots as the leader, patriotism education base as the support, and revolutionary cultural relics protection units as the supplement, The level of resource protection and utilization has been significantly improved, and both social and economic benefits have been achieved. The Red Tourism Scenic Spot has become an important classroom for all party members and cadres in the province to learn the history of the Party and understand the red spirit, become a new growth point of tourism, and become an important way to drive the economic and social development of poor areas.