Shaanxi creates trillion-level cultural tourism industry

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A few days ago, the Propaganda Department of the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism jointly issued the Implementation Opinions on Building a Trillion-level Cultural Tourism Industry in Shaanxi Province (2021-2025) (hereinafter referred to as the Opinions). The Opinions pointed out that by 2025, the construction of a strong cultural province will achieve remarkable results, the modern cultural tourism industry system will be more complete, the total industrial income will exceed 1 trillion yuan, the added value will account for more than 10% of the provincial GDP, the annual reception of domestic and foreign tourists will exceed 900 million, and the world-class tourism destination and international cultural tourism center will be built to inherit the excellent Chinese culture, so as to better meet the needs of the people for a better life.
The Opinions put forward 20 main tasks from eight aspects: building a new pattern of industrial development, promoting market players to improve quality and efficiency, promoting integrated development, enriching the supply of cultural tourism products, developing the digital cultural tourism industry, stimulating the potential of cultural and tourism consumption, expanding the level of openness, and optimizing facilities and services.
The Opinions pointed out that it is necessary to optimize the regional industrial layout, implement the regional coordinated development strategy, build a new development pattern of “one core, four corridors and three zones”, and create a comprehensive cultural industrial belt in Guanzhong, a folk and red cultural industrial belt in northern Shaanxi, and a natural scenery and ecological tourism industrial belt in southern Shaanxi. Add 10 national and 50 provincial cultural industry demonstration parks (bases), 10 cultural tourism characteristic towns and 50 cultural creative blocks; Build a key industrial chain of cultural tourism, formulate a three-year action plan for the key industrial chain, form a group of key industrial chains of 100 billion and 10 billion levels, and cultivate a group of key industrial clusters; To improve the development quality of county cultural tourism industry, the “one county, one policy” supports the upgrading and accelerated development of county cultural tourism industry, and creates 10 provincial cultural tourism counties, 40 regional tourism demonstration areas, and 100 rural tourism demonstration villages.
We will expand the scale of market entities, implement the “100 thousand” project of cultural industry, and cultivate a number of platform-based and technology-based enterprise groups. Make cultural tourism enterprises bigger and stronger, and implement the “take off” action of cultural tourism leading enterprises; Support the development of small and medium-sized enterprises and cultivate a number of “unicorns” and “little giants” cultural tourism enterprises.
Promote the deep integration of culture and tourism, establish the mechanism of provincial cultural and tourism industry integration experimental zone, promote the establishment of “one city, one product”, and create a number of cultural and tourism integration demonstration zones with distinctive regional characteristics; Promote the integrated development of “cultural tourism+” “+cultural tourism”, cultivate a number of tourism and technology integration demonstration parks, 30 provincial cultural and technology integration demonstration bases, and 5 cultural and technology integration leading enterprises.
We will improve measures to benefit people’s consumption, support tourism enterprises to make full use of the preferential policies for living, and do a good job of activities to benefit people such as consumption season and consumption month; Create 2 national cultural and tourism consumption demonstration cities and 5 pilot cities, support Xi’an to create an international consumption center city, and support each urban area to create a regional consumption center city; Develop night economy and create 10 national and 20 provincial night culture and tourism consumption clusters.
Enhance international influence and well organize the Silk Road International Art Festival, Silk Road International Film Festival and other activities; Develop foreign service trade, improve the level of open platforms such as the Shaanxi Free Trade Zone and the national cultural export base, support Xi’an to establish a cultural art trading platform, create a national foreign cultural trade base, and create a “the Belt and Road” cultural tourism pilot demonstration area.
Optimize cultural tourism infrastructure, and improve cultural tourism transportation facilities such as urban greenways, special cycling routes, hiking trails, self-driving RV camps, and transportation stations; We will improve the comprehensive service system of cultural tourism, build a unified digital tourism distribution platform and insurance relief complaints, emergency management, voluntary services, data services and other systems throughout the province, and promote the full coverage of tourism distribution centers, tourism consulting centers, smart tourism information kiosks, and barrier-free tourism facilities in the county.