Shanxi “Wanghong Village” Transforms by Intangible Cultural Heritage: “Fermented” Holiday Economy in Beautiful Countryside

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From day to night, Liujiabao Village has more than one wonderful aspect.
Liujiabao Village is the hometown of Wang Qiong, a bachelor of the Ming Dynasty. It is located in Xiaodian District, Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province, nearly 30 kilometers from the urban area. In recent years, the village has made use of a number of idle courtyards to invite intangible cultural heritage projects to settle in. With the help of intangible cultural heritage, integrating folk culture and agricultural tourism, it has developed into a popular online punch card for leisure travel in the suburbs of the city.
“More and more people come to the village to play on holidays. During the Spring Festival in 2022, the ‘Beautiful Village Celebrates the New Year’ activity will be held in the most days, from day to night, receiving more than 50000 tourists in batches at different times.” On the 28th, Qiao Wuping, secretary of the Party Committee of Liujiabao Village, introduced.
Liujiabao Village, Xiaodian District, Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province, uses a lot of idle courtyards to invite intangible cultural heritage projects to settle in and develop the rural holiday tourism economy. Photographed by Wu Lijun
At present, many intangible cultural heritage projects such as Taiyuan Paper Cuttings, Fushan secret braised meat, Xihuamen lion dance and so on have settled in the village. More than 50 intangible cultural heritage courtyards are scattered in the village. Agricultural sightseeing, intangible cultural heritage performances and exhibitions, combined with local specialties such as sacrificial soup, eight bowls, Yuanxiao (Filled round balls made of glutinous rice-flour for Lantern Festival), Zhanpian, etc., Liujiabao Village has become a rural cultural tourism complex integrating tourism, research, experience, food and so on.
“Invite the inheritors of intangible cultural heritage, help the inheritance of intangible cultural heritage, and drive the villagers to participate in the inheritance of intangible cultural heritage. At the same time, take advantage of the cultural advantages of intangible cultural heritage, develop the rural holiday tourism economy, expand the collective economy, and increase the income of villagers.” Qiao Wuping said that the village has 2200 people, and the per capita annual income has reached about 27000 yuan.
On holidays, Liujiabao Village will arrange exhibitions of intangible cultural heritage such as lion dance, gongs and drums, playing iron flowers and carrying iron bars from time to time to attract tourists. At the same time, dozens of old rural businesses, such as farmhouse entertainment and homestay exhibitions, such as car repair shops, nail plates and bowls, rattle drums, and old objects such as columbines, plows and rakes, and old bicycles, awaken rural memories.
In Liujiabao Village, Xiaodian District, Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province, intangible cultural heritage projects are widely invited to settle in to carry forward traditional culture and promote rural revitalization. Photographed by Wu Lijun
“Now the countryside has become rich and the material life has been satisfied, but the spiritual and cultural life in the countryside still needs to be improved, which is also an important mission of rural revitalization.” Qiao Wuping hopes to further display the beautiful rural image of Liujiabao Village while enriching the rural spiritual culture.
It is reported that in the next step, Liujiabao Village will attract more intangible cultural heritage projects and strive to build 100 “intangible cultural heritage courtyards”. At the same time, in combination with seasons, festivals and holidays, relevant large-scale activities have been launched to further strengthen and expand the rural holiday tourism economy.
“With intangible cultural heritage technology display, production experience, product sales, leisure and entertainment as the core, protect, inherit and carry forward traditional culture, promote employment, and promote rural revitalization.” Qiao Wuping said that there is a tomato industry base in the village, and on this basis, develop ecological agriculture, flower industry, edible fungus industry, and enrich rural tourism, education and research industries, Strive to build Liujiabao Village into a window to understand the history and culture of Taiyuan and taste local cuisine.