Special activities to extend the business hours help the opening of “night tour” in Beijing

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It is the peak summer season, and the night tour continues to be hot. In the past weekend, many scenic spots and cultural and tourism sites in Beijing have launched the “night tour” mode. Universal Beijing Resort has restored the night light show of Hogwarts Castle and extended the business hours from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m; In response to the night economy plan, Beijing Happy Valley also launched three pieces of PLUS works. Recently, the Beijing International Consumer Center City Leading Group Office issued the “Several Measures to Promote the Prosperity and Development of the Night Economy in Beijing” (i.e., the “Night Economy Version 3.0 Policy”), which also clearly proposed to create the “Night City” city card, integrate cultural and tourism businesses, and expand characteristic night diversified consumption. Since entering the summer season, the search volume of night tour has doubled, becoming one of the main ways for young people to relax on weekends. With the growth of tourists’ demand for night travel, it will further stimulate new consumption enthusiasm and help the rapid development of Beijing’s night economy.
The clock-in night tour project was launched
“Wow, Universal Studios Beijing is back at night, and the atmosphere is great!” Visitor Miss Shen and her friends took turns to take photos in front of Hogwarts Castle in Universal Beijing Resort. It is understood that from July 30, Universal Beijing Resort has extended its business hours from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. At the same time, the night magic celebration of Hogwarts Castle in the scenic area of Harry Potter and the World of Magic also returned.
“In summer, we usually choose a cooler evening to go out, and the scenery at night is also different,” said Miss Shen. The reporter of Beijing Business Daily also saw that many tourists with roaming cards chose to visit in the evening at the Universal Resort in Beijing.
Not only Beijing Universal Resort, but also Beijing Happy Valley, which has just completed its 16th birthday, has launched night economy products again to attract night tourists. It is reported that Beijing Happy Valley has launched three PLUS works, including the “Heroes of the Earth” urban space interactive entertainment device experience show, the “Return of Play” thousands of stars carnival phantom show, and “Space ยท Box” “curatorial” social entertainment consumption space.
And the breeze in the summer evening also brought the night visitors to Shougang Park, the place where the Internet is popular. Previously, the Shecang Art Museum, located in the north area of Shougang Park, launched a series of night consumption activities with the theme of “Gold Shougang Park – Work ‘Night’ Micro Vacation”, integrating the featured sections of exhibition night appreciation, intangible cultural heritage night tour, music night listening, book night reading, and food night enjoyment. It is worth mentioning that during the visit, the reporter of the Beijing Business Daily also saw that the light of the Shougang ski jump was on at night, and many tourists were taking photos.
In the view of Lai Yang, executive vice president of the Beijing Society of Business Economics, excellent night consumption projects can promote consumers’ willingness to consume, which is a growth point of income for enterprises. Therefore, more and more cultural and tourism enterprises have launched corresponding night leisure and entertainment projects and extended the opening hours.
Search volume doubled in July
It is the peak season of summer tourism, and the demand of tourists for night travel is rising like the weather.
Recently, according to the “2022 Summer Night Tour Report” (hereinafter referred to as the “Report”) released by the same journey, since July, the number of searches on the same journey platform with the keyword “night tour” has doubled, of which the number of searches for “night tour” on weekends is the highest, and the number of searches for “night tour” has increased by more than 20% compared with the daily number of searches for “night tour”.
For many users with travel needs, “residential” hotels and shopping malls in the daytime, night tours in scenic spots and cities have become the “standard” for summer travel. According to the Report, more than 80% of users believe that night travel at travel destinations is the most important part of travel. Tasting street food, enjoying city night scenery, going to scenic spots to see performances, walking and relaxing have become the reasons for people to choose night tours. From the analysis of the preference of night tourists, the “post-90s” and “post-00s” have become the core group of night tourism consumption, among which women prefer night tourism more than men.
From the perspective of the types of night tour scenic spots, the data of the same trip platform shows that in the past week, the theme park has become the first choice with an absolute advantage of 88%, followed by animal and botanical gardens, natural scenery, cultural relics, urban tourism and other types.
The person in charge of the same trip said that the “night economy” is an important part of urban life, which can not only meet the diverse spiritual and cultural needs of citizens, but also effectively enhance the vitality of the city and stimulate new consumption enthusiasm. Creating a “night economy” model with local characteristics can effectively help local areas form new city travel business cards and promote the rapid recovery of the local culture and tourism market.
Lai Yang believes that most people are getting busier and busier during the day, so they will want to relax in leisure time at night. In the early night economy, people focus on what they can eat and drink at night. As consumers pursue more enjoyment of cultural taste and quality of life, night consumption is no longer limited to catering, and more consumption is mainly based on richer cultural, leisure and entertainment content.
Supporting transportation guarantee is crucial
The policy of Night Economy Version 3.0 clearly states that it is necessary to target the international market and create the city name card of “Night Capital”. Build about 10 “night capital” featured consumption landmarks with domestic and international influence, about 30 “night capital” integrated consumption punch points with significant vitality of night consumption, and about 40 “night capital” quality consumption life circles with regional security, and give the operating entities listing support.
While the night tour is popular, the supporting infrastructure of the surrounding areas is particularly important. The Night Economy 3.0 policy pointed out that the application of big data analysis should be strengthened and the night travel traffic guarantee mechanism should be optimized. According to the climate characteristics of Beijing, strengthen the analysis of night travel data and establish a long-term mechanism for delayed operation of rail transit. In the Beijing Universal Resort, the Beijing Business Daily reporter also saw that the electronic screen of the theme park information in the park showed the departure time of the last subway train.
“If an enterprise wants to make a good night tour product, it should consider the conditions of local residents and tourists’ night life and other aspects. Among them, transportation facilities are a very important prerequisite. Tourists should be able to move freely and get in, and can safely and conveniently return to their living quarters or hotel accommodation and other accommodation scenes after the night tour. Therefore, enterprises should make more efforts in public transportation and improve transportation facilities.” Wang Xingbin, a senior tourism expert, said.
In addition, with regard to the “non-stop” layout of night economy products of enterprises, Lai Yang also believes that with the improvement of income level, consumers’ consumption ability for leisure, culture and entertainment is also improving, so we also have enough payment ability to support night entertainment activities and promote the further development of night economy. And businesses will naturally seize this opportunity to increase their strength while working to create night economy products.