Suzhou Gardens, unknown to Suzhou people, are free of charge all year round, but no one visits them. Where is it?

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When it comes to gardens, or urban tourism impressions related to them, most of my friends may think of Suzhou first. Although, in the south of the Yangtze River in China, in addition to Suzhou, there are also many classical gardens scattered and distributed in other cities, large and small. So why is Suzhou the only city famous for its gardens? In fact, private gardens need to be maintained by money. Most of them were abandoned during the war. Whether it was Suzhou, Nanjing, Yangzhou, etc., the gardens were seriously abandoned during the war.
However, compared with other cities in the south of the Yangtze River, the official concept of protecting gardens in Suzhou is relatively early. After the liberation of the People’s Republic of China, the rulers planned to repair many old abandoned gardens, and did not hesitate to take apart the old to make up for the old, so as to form a view of today. The Classical Gardens of Suzhou in Jiangsu Province, also known as “Suzhou Gardens”, is a general term for Chinese classical gardens in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province. The Classical Gardens of Suzhou in Jiangsu Province originated in the Spring and Autumn Period, developed in the Jin and Tang Dynasties, flourished in the Song Dynasty and the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Not only that, but also it is worth mentioning that Suzhou has been known as the “City of Gardens” since ancient times.
According to relevant statistics, private gardens in Suzhou were built in the first 6 centuries. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, there were more than 170 gardens inside and outside the city, and there are more than 50 existing gardens. Therefore, it is undoubtedly one of the best interpretations of the history and culture of the city of Suzhou to explore the way to play in the city, or the correct ways to open it, and to explore the Jiangnan classical gardens scattered and distributed in various areas of Suzhou. However, in Suzhou, in addition to the Jiangnan classical gardens with high popularity and popularity, there are also some Jiangnan classical gardens with few scenic spots and no tickets.
Among them, there is such a Jiangnan classical garden in Suzhou. It is a Suzhou garden that Suzhou people don’t know. It is free all year round but no one visits it. Where is it? But this Suzhou garden, which does not need tickets, has beautiful scenery and is rarely known, is called Wufeng Garden. Today, I will take you to Wufeng Garden, located at No. 15, Wufeng Garden Lane, Gusu District, Suzhou City, and have a look at the different scenery here. Wufeng Garden is the best of Suzhou gardens, covering an area of about 2.5 mu. It was built in the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty by Yang Cheng, the Shangshu of Changzhou, and is commonly known as “Yang Jia Yuan”.
The five the Taihu Lake Lake stone peaks in the garden are two zhang high, very wrinkled, thin and exquisite. They stand in the middle of Gaofu, similar to the old man, also known as the Five Old Peaks. They are respectively “Zhangren Peak”, “Guanyin Peak”, “Sanlao Peak”, “Qingyun Peak” and “Qingyun Peak”. The whole park is dominated by five peaks, supplemented by pools, with cliffs, canyons, caves, stone bridges, ancient trees, dry boats, and garden pavilions. The Five Peaks Garden is hidden in the center of the ancient city of Suzhou. It is named after five unique the Taihu Lake Lake stone peaks. The rockeries, pavilions and pavilions you can see now are one of the main components of the Wufeng Garden.
Although Wufeng Garden is not big, it is quiet and elegant. Pavilions, pavilions, strange peaks, waterside pavilions, caves, and Soviet-style gardens have all kinds of gardening art, which can be called pocket classic gardens. There is a mound in the southwest corner of the garden, which is said to be the tomb of Tang Liuyi. The garden has changed its owners repeatedly. Before and after the Anti-Japanese War, the garden was scattered into civilian houses. The garden was in disrepair for a long time, the pool was filled up, and two stone peaks collapsed. In 1982, Wufeng Park was listed as a municipal cultural relics protection unit, which was slightly protected and renovated. It was restored on October 1, 1998 and officially opened for free.
Especially for friends who work and live in Suzhou and the surrounding provinces and cities, if they want to take advantage of weekends or other free time, go out to play, take photos and punch in, appreciate and feel the beauty related to Suzhou. Or, there is a special preference for Suzhou gardens, which are free but not visited throughout the year and are unknown to Suzhou people. The Wufeng Garden in Suzhou is really a good place to visit.
Here, we need to remind you that the opening hours of Suzhou Wufeng Garden are 7:30-16:30 and 16:30 from Monday to Sunday, November 1 to February 29 of the next year; From March 1 to October 31, from Monday to Sunday, 7:30-17:00, and the admission is stopped at 17:00. If you are interested in this place, you can collect it first. Don’t start until you have time. Take her (him), or relatives and friends together, and have a good hug and feel the different visual feast and historical memory brought by Suzhou Wufeng Garden.