“The Journey of a Legendary Landscape Painting” Yanqi Lake opened on the 12th

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The reporter of Beijing Youth Daily learned from the Yanqi Lake Scenic Spot that the Yanqi Lake Scenic Spot opened on the morning of the 12th. Tourists can enjoy flowers, go hiking, climb mountains, ride and walk around the lake. Recreational facilities such as yachts, speedboats, recreational sports cars, and torrents are also open to tourists. At present, the adult ticket price of the scenic spot is 45 yuan and the student ticket price is 22 yuan.
According to the relevant person in charge of Yanqi Lake, the Yanqi Lake scenic spot has started the ticket upgrading and transformation work, and the scenic spot has been closed since January 20, 2022. At this stage, a number of self-service ticket machines are added at the east and north gates of the scenic spot to purchase and exchange tickets. A total of more than 20 intelligent ticketing systems are added, which greatly improves the ticket purchasing efficiency of tourists. At the same time, all the gate machines at the entrance gate have been replaced, bringing more convenient experience for tourists.
At the same time, in order to ensure a safe tourism environment for tourists, the equipment security inspection of entertainment facilities has been carried out since March 1, and the external environment of the scenic spot has been comprehensively disinfection and sterilization, making full preparations for the opening of the park.
In addition, the opening activities of the scenic area this year are colorful, and the main line of the activities will be “Han rhyme outing season and fun playing Yanqi Lake”. Focusing on the two key points of Han clothing and China-Chic culture, the scenic spot highlights the inheritance of excellent traditional culture and displays profound cultural heritage through the creation of theme atmosphere and the contrast of activity atmosphere, so that tourists can understand China-Chic culture and experience China-Chic culture during their travels. On March 19 and 20, the “The Journey of a Legendary Landscape Painting” Hanfu dance show will be arranged at the main entrance of the scenic spot to provide tourists with a feast of national style. At the same time, a two-day “looking for the god of flowers” punch card activity and on-site flash dance will also be launched. A number of online red card punches with Chinese characters as the theme were set up on the site, creating a strong national atmosphere of China-Chic and going to a Chinese character appointment. During the event, there will also be four major sections: offline Hanfu performance, searching for interactive games of gods of flowers, online red punch points and interactive experience of traditional culture. Among them, the interactive experience area has experience projects such as movable type printing, ancient paper making, and fan making, which are rich and colorful in content, attracting big friends and children who love Chinese civilization, and can truly achieve the effect of teaching and entertainment.
In addition, the cute pet park in the scenic area will also continue to be open. You can have close contact with cute pets such as alpacas, sika deer, long-haired rabbits, pet donkeys, and start a natural exploration trip to search for magical animals.