The naturally formed Shihuadong natural rock forms more than 120 strange landscapes

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At the end of October, the peak season of red leaf flower appreciation in Fangshan Pofengling Scenic Area is coming. Many tourists will visit at this time. According to the Fangshan District Cultural Museum, October 23, 29, 30, 5 and 6 are the prime time for red leaf flower appreciation. The Fangshan Culture and Tourism Bureau also reminds the citizens to pay attention to safety, implement staggered peak travel, and add autumn travel options for other scenic spots in Fangshan.
According to the announcement of Fangshan Tourism Bureau, the end of October to the beginning of November is the peak season of tourism in Fangshan District. There will be more vehicles to Pofengling and Yaowang Valley, and there will be more waiting time. During the flu season, please pay attention to safety, book online and advocate post-holiday travel.
Nanjiao Township, Fangshan District, is the most popular place to watch red leaves. As of October 23, it is estimated that it will take 25 minutes to be three kilometers away from the Xishan Scenic Spot in Shuiyu Village. According to the notice of the Nanjiao Village Committee, the Xishan Hongye scenic spot in the west mountain of Shuiyu Village, Nanjiao Township is now overcrowded. Therefore, please visit the Dazhailing scenic spot in Nanjiao Village.
An old man Chen from Nanjiao Village told reporters that he came to Dazhai Ridge to enjoy flowers because he wanted to avoid traffic congestion. Mr. Chen came out of the city in the morning and arrived at Pofengling in forty minutes. He said: “In this short holiday, you can take your family around, enjoy the red leaves, contact with nature, and let your emotions be released.”.
“In addition to the red leaves in Fangshan, there are many scenic spots here this autumn.” Fangshan Tourism Bureau said that tourists can visit Zhoukoudian National Archaeological Heritage Park, Yunju Temple, Shihua Cave, Shangfangshan National Forest Park, Longmen Park and other tourist attractions.
Located in Fangshan District, Beijing, Shihua Cave is more than 50 kilometers away from the urban area. It is a national AAAA scenic spot, the “underground pearl and karst cave museum” of Beijing, and an important part of extracurricular activities for college students in Beijing. The typical, diversity, naturalness, integrity and scarcity of Shihuadong karst caves are well known around the world. Shihua Cave is a layered building with multiple layers and branches, with dense rock distribution, complete types and numerous quantities. The natural rocks formed naturally form more than 120 strange landscapes in various forms, showing the magic of nature.