The only village in East China that is not connected to the highway. It takes at least 2 hours to walk, but the scenery looks like a fairyland on earth

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It is hard to imagine that there are still villages without roads in the developed and prosperous East China. In Zhejiang Province, where the landscape is divided into seven mountains, one water and two fields, there is a mysterious paradise in the deep mountains and wild valleys; Its name is Gongyu Village. Because it is surrounded by clouds and fog all the year round, it is as beautiful as a fairyland, but there is no noise caused by the busy traffic in the city. It is called “Shangri-La” in East China, and has been included in the fourth batch of Chinese traditional villages list.
To go to Gongyu Village, you need to drive to Qiankeng Village, and then walk for at least 2 hours. Along the way, you will pass through Qianmo farmhouses and Zhuxi Liucui. The whole road is full of idyllic atmosphere that has long been missed by urban people. The scenery has been very fascinating. Although the road is full of ups and downs, it is not too long to walk from the former Keng Village to the entrance of Gongyu Village. Gongyu Village in the mountains is composed of two small natural villages, Shangping and Xiaping. Xiaping Village has more residents than Shangping Village. Although the location of the two villages is slightly different, they both have very good scenery,
Surrounded by rocks of karst landform, Qifeng ring stands like a barrier; The village is isolated from the world by a small basin surrounded by mountains. Take a close look at the two mountain villages, standing in the sun of the mountain stream, with open terrain; The stone bridges, stone pavilions, old camphor trees and old wells in the village complement each other, which is like the Peach Blossom Land written by Tao Yuanming.
According to legend, Ke Jiusi, a famous painter of the Yuan Dynasty, once moved here with his wife and son to avoid war, and then lived in this mountain basin, spreading branches and leaves. Inspired by the natural scenery here, Ke Jiusi created the world-famous works “The Painting of Black Bamboo” and “Bamboo Manual”, which have been handed down for thousands of years. After more than 30 years, the majority of villagers in Gongyu Village are still surnamed Ke. Ke Jiusi’s former residence is also one of the main scenic spots here.
Both Shangping Village and Xiaping Village maintain the appearance of primitive villages. The form of the building is mainly quadrangles, with continuous houses in groups. Some villagers here have set up farmhouse entertainment at home, specially receiving hikers and providing simple accommodation and farmhouse meals. There are also some tourists who come here with tents to camp, watch the stars at night and watch the sunrise in the morning. If you are lucky, you can also see the sea of clouds surging here.
The hiking route to Gongyu Village is actually a loop line. It takes 2 hours to go up and about 1 hour to go down; If you don’t stay overnight, you should reserve at least 4 hours for the round trip. If you want to travel in depth, it is recommended to stay here for one night, and you can choose farmhouse entertainment or bring your own camping equipment. If you are used to the misty and rainy Jiangnan water town, why don’t you come to Gongyu Village, the “Shangri-La” in East China, and feel another kind of mountain Jiangnan.
Surroundings: Shenxianju Scenic Spot, Jingxingyan Scenic Spot, Gaoqian Ancient Village, Potan Ancient Town, Danzhu Township, etc