There is an island hidden in the Taihu Lake Lake in Suzhou. The islanders have lived a life of seclusion by picking tea for generations!

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“You and I are all human beings, born in the world. We travel all day long and have no leisure. Since we are not immortals, it is inevitable that we have miscellaneous thoughts. Morality is placed on both sides, and the word” Li “is placed in the middle. How many men are angry and become beautiful. How many birds in the same forest have become flying swallows. Life is so short, why should we be in bitter love. When your lover is gone, to whom do you complain? When did you see that the world has changed for people? With the face you have dreamed of, is it even to have spring Days? ” Whenever I hear this song, I can’t help but begin to have infinite exclamations about life and life.
More than 1600 years ago, Tao Yuanming, who “never stooped for five meters”, lived a life of “picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence and seeing the Nanshan mountains leisurely”, but still expected to have a paradise in the world. So he wrote The Peach Blossom Land. Throughout the ages, no matter those who have achieved success or are in poverty, or those who are in high spirits or are out of spirits, they all yearn for a paradise. However, the Xanadu described by Tao Yuanming is imaginary. There is no Xanadu in the world. People yearn for it because there are too many grievances, too many disputes, too many worldly affairs and too much pressure in the world today.
People think that all these things will not exist in Xanadu, and people will live in a peaceful, leisurely and loving environment. Therefore, the Xanadu in real life generally refers to a quiet and comfortable place. Today, let’s take you to Yinshan Island, located in Jinting Town, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, and have a look at the different scenery here. Yinshan Island, also called Yinshan Island, is located in the southeast waters of the Taihu Lake Lake. It is a lake island surrounded by water on all sides. The islanders have lived a life of paradise by picking tea for generations!
Yinshan Island is separated from Xishan Island by a waterway in the south, an island in the southwest, and Yeshan Island and the Taihu Lake Lake Bridge in the east. It is an important part of Xishan Scenic Area. It is hidden in the deep of the Taihu Lake Lake and connected to Xishan Island through the Taihu Lake Lake with an ancient and simple dike. At the end of the embankment road is Yinshan Island. There is a towering ancient camphor tree at the entrance of Yinshan Island village, covering an area of nearly 2 mu! It is said that it was planted in 280 AD, and that would still be the Three Kingdoms. This towering ancient camphor tree in Yinshan Island has been 1741 years old. The trunk has a diameter of 1.8 meters, a circumference of 5.8 meters, and a crown of more than 1000 square meters.
Ancient camphor, like an old patriarch of Yinshan Island, stands at the head of the village, calmly watching the sound of sails and oars coming and going on the lake, and guarding the life of Yinshan Island. The island is thickly forested, with birds singing and flowers fragrant all the year round, and flowers and fruit tea trees planted everywhere. It is really half the mountain and half the lake. Not only that, but also the Biluochun planted on Yinshan Island is particularly famous. Most of the residential buildings on the island are built on the mountain, many of which are ancient buildings in the Ming and Qing dynasties, and the “Qingyu Hall”, an ancient house with excellent momentum and location, is among them.
On the mountain ridge of the island, you can see the endless the Taihu Lake Lake through the dense woods. There is a viewing pavilion on the top of the mountain. It is very comfortable to have a rest here, blow the wind, and enjoy the scenery of the lake and mountains. Walking along the roundabout to a place with a wide view, you can also see the boats fishing in the Taihu Lake Lake and the vastness of the Taihu Lake Lake. The hustle and bustle of Suzhou seems to have nothing to do with it. In Yinshan Island, in addition to the simple, quiet and original slow life, the natural landscape of the Taihu Lake Lake and the ecological environment of tea trees in the middle of the mountain and half of the lake give people a feeling of being in a paradise.
Especially for friends who work and live in Suzhou and surrounding provinces and cities, if you say, they are tired of the noise and noise of the city. I want to take advantage of the weekend or other free time to go out and play, take photos and punch cards, and appreciate and feel the beauty related to Suzhou. Still, there is a small island hidden in the Taihu Lake Lake in Suzhou, and the islanders have a special preference for living in an idyllic land by picking tea for generations. Yinshan Island in Suzhou is really a good place to visit.
If you are interested in this place, you can collect it first. Don’t start until you have time. Take her (him), or relatives and friends together to hug and feel the different visual feast and years brought by Suzhou Yinshan Island.