Universal Resort will promote the preparation for the opening of the park in three stages

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The reporter learned from Universal Beijing Resort that Universal Beijing Resort will advance the preparatory work before the opening of the park in three stages. At present, the park is in the first stage of internal pressure test. Other preparations are progressing steadily as planned.
According to Universal Beijing Resort, all preparations before the park’s opening are progressing steadily as planned. “Based on the successful opening experience of Universal theme parks around the world and in combination with the practice of China’s theme park industry, we will promote the preparatory work before the opening of the park in three stages.” The relevant person in charge said that the first stage will invite the employees of Universal Beijing Resort to participate in the internal pressure test, and constantly improve the operation process through multi-scenario testing to improve the tourist experience; In the second stage, the pilot operation will be started, and the partners and invited guests will be invited to participate in the operation test; The third stage will usher in a grand opening.
It is revealed that Universal Resorts is currently orderly promoting the related work of the first stage of stress internal test, including personnel training, service details polishing, performance rehearsal, restaurant operation and catering service testing, and conducting multi-scenario simulation tests of amusement facilities and ride equipment with government departments, third-party professional institutions and industry experts according to the established process, in accordance with the plan and in batches. More than 10000 employees participated in the preparatory work for the opening of the park and participated in various simulation services and stress tests to obtain the most authentic first-hand experience, so as to continuously improve the service and experience of tourists.
“In the past few months, with the joint efforts of government departments, partners and all employees, Universal Beijing Resort has made a lot of progress in talent recruitment and training, catering services, entertainment performances, park greening, etc.” It is reported that at present, more than 10000 employees in Universal Beijing Resort have arrived and completed various professional training, We are actively preparing to bring high-quality entertainment experience to tourists after the park opens.
Dozens of catering stores in the resort have conducted simulation service and operation tests. At the Universal City Avenue in Beijing, the chef team specially created 266 new kinds of food and drinks. More than 10000 sets of costumes specially designed and produced for 24 performances and entertainment activities in the park have been prepared. Since February, more than 1000 cast members have been conducting rehearsals in full swing seven days a week, striving to bring high-quality and immersive entertainment to tourists at the grand opening. Universal Studios Hotel and Nuojin Resort have invited employees and their families to have a try. The restaurants and bars of the two hotels have been opened to employees.
“As an actor of the Global Parade, I can’t remember how many rehearsals I have had, and finally I am looking forward to the first rehearsal with makeup! My friends and I are so excited that the beauty of the performance clothing Blingbling has changed. In the second half of the parade, the staff watching on both sides of the route are still screaming and cheering for us, and the other partners who are rehearsing are also starting to encourage each other. Our energy has not decreased, but is better than that at the beginning More. So they encouraged and moved each other, and reached the end with the best performance. Everyone cheered excitedly. What an unforgettable memory! ” Zhang Xue, an actor of Universal Resort, said.
“All these efforts have been constantly refined around the tourist experience after the grand opening.” Miao Lewen, general manager of the theme park and resort management branch of Beijing International Resort Co., Ltd., said: “For many years, we have been working with partners and government departments to make preparations for the grand opening of the Universal Beijing Resort. Our goal is to build the Universal Beijing Resort into a unique, wonderful and highly anticipated global resort model, and to provide tourists with an extraordinary entertainment experience. At this stage, the internal pressure test is of great importance to us. We will ensure that the operation preparation reaches the goal of Under the premise of consistent high-quality service, the ball theme park ushers in a grand opening. ”
Universal Beijing Resort specially reminds tourists that at present, the resort has not released ticket information and opening date, and has not sold any tickets to the public. The information about ticket prices on the market is speculation. There are risks for consumers to purchase so-called trial operation “experience tickets”, “internal tickets” or “advance tickets” in the market. Please be alert to the relevant risks to avoid causing losses.