Vietnam has secretly hidden a “France”, which is also a famous summer resort. Chinese tourists like to go there most

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Da Lat, Vietnam, has a fresh flavor of literature and art in its name. This is a 1500-high mountain town located in the south of Vietnam, with colorful houses surrounded by dense forests, like a fairy tale world. With an annual average temperature of 20 degrees, the four seasons are like spring and flowers are in full bloom. As early as 100 years ago, it was a famous summer resort in Vietnam. Now it has another title, that is, a famous tourist resort, and a must-see city for Chinese tourists to visit Vietnam.
The scene in front of us is like a colorful fairy tale world, with houses of different colors located in the mountains. At this time, the whole person seems to be in a small city in Europe. Speaking of these houses, we have to mention the history of Vietnam in the past. It used to be a French colony. During the colonial period, the French left a large number of French style buildings in the local area, and the French also regarded it as their resort for a time. Up to now, the French style here is still very strong, and it is definitely a “small France” in Vietnam.
The old railway station is the place to take a taxi to Da Lat, and has the reputation of “the most beautiful railway station in Vietnam”. It is reported that the old railway station was built in 1932, and the main building was designed by French architects. It looks full of rich French style, and integrates the local elements of Vietnam. The three sharp peaks symbolize the three local mountains. The old railway station as a whole is bright yellow with orange. The color is bright and the romantic atmosphere is self-evident.
The station hall is small but very warm. One side of the hall is the ticket window. There are four sofa chairs in the middle of the hall for tourists to rest. We happened to meet the local bridegroom and bridegroom here on the day we went to take wedding photos. They are wearing Vietnamese local clothing, snuggling together, very sweet.
The old railway station was abandoned for a period of time, but then it was reopened for tourists to travel. There are five trains a day to a small town not far away, and the whole journey is about 8 kilometers. The train times are 7:45, 9:50, 11:55, 14:00, 16:05. Since there are only two carriages in a total, and the number of passengers is limited, if you want to experience, you must buy tickets in advance, and the round trip is about 40 yuan.
The scenery along the way is very beautiful. There are farms, rural areas, and an inconspicuous small town. The people in Aodai come and go in the small town, giving people a feeling of peace and quiet in the past.
There is also a crazy house in Da Lat, Vietnam, which is the most popular place for Chinese tourists to punch in. It is hidden in a residential area and has the title of “one of the top ten monsters in the world”. In addition, the designer is designed by the daughter of the former president of Vietnam, NGA. The bold idea and novel design are all shocking. Although the building feels very strange, it is also extremely harmonious.
There are many winding steps above the house. You can shuttle through the house along these intricate steps, from one house to another. Each section of the road is like a maze, but every time you get lost, you will encounter unexpected surprises.
When you come to the top of the house, you can have a panoramic view of the city scenery of Dalat. The colorful house under the blue sky and white clouds is like a fairy tale world. At this time, the crazy house I am in is like a dream castle in the fairy tale world. Walking into the crazy house gives you a thrill of adventure.
After coming out of the crazy house, I walked through the streets and came to a main road. It was almost noon when I met several students who had finished school. When I saw my camera, I lowered my head shyly. This kind of shyness and shyness was very unforgettable. I could not help thinking of myself when I was at school, and suddenly I missed it very much.
Then I came to Mary Monastery, a place full of French style. Pink houses were built on the top of the mountain, and the shape of the buildings was also very lovely. It was the best place to take pictures of the fresh girl wind in Da Lat. Before that, it was once used as a back garden by the French, and now it attracts many tourists.
This monastery was built in the 1930s, with many buildings, including churches, orphanages and schools for homeless and homeless children, so that homeless children can have a shelter. Mary Abbey can be entered for free. Don’t come in and be quiet. Don’t disturb them.
The cable car in Dalat is a relatively small scenic spot. Few tourists know where to take the cable car. In fact, as long as you tell the taxi driver that you want to take the cable car, they will bring you here. Taking the cable car is the best place to see the panoramic view of the city. Whether on the cable car or on the platform where the cable car is located, you can have a panoramic view of the city. The whole journey is about 15 minutes, 50000 Vietnamese dong.
Overlooking Da Lat, you can see the French style town in the mountains, with red, blue, green and pink houses dotted in the mountains. It is hard to imagine that there is such a beautiful fairy tale town in Vietnam, which makes people linger.