Weifang, Shandong: explore more possibilities of “tourism+”

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In the golden autumn season, the Jiulongyu scenic spot in Qingzhou, Weifang, Shandong Province is colorful and full of tourists; The display of intangible cultural heritage in the Shihuyuan Cultural District of Weifang stimulates the vitality of heritage; The “Qilu Tianlu” high-quality self-driving tour route linking green waters and green mountains has attracted many self-driving enthusiasts… Since the implementation of the new and old kinetic energy conversion project, Weifang City, Shandong Province has carefully laid out the construction of cultural and tourism projects, further promoted the integration of cultural and tourism, and the tourism industry has achieved a healthy and rapid development. In the past, tourists came to Weifang to “watch kites”. Now, there are more and more popular places to punch cards.
Build a brand of night tour
At the beginning of the day, the city of Qingzhou has entered the busiest time of the day. The city, which covers an area of about 65000 square meters, is built with artistic scenes to let tourists experience Chinese culture in thousands of lights.
“Since its trial operation, the Qingzhou Night City, with a total investment of about 300 million yuan, has attracted a large number of tourists to punch in.” According to the relevant person in charge of Weifang Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism, the Qingzhou Night City has received 1.2 million tourists at night, realizing a tourism income of more than 20 million yuan. The popularity of Qingzhou No-night City has become a microcosm of Weifang’s development of nightly cultural tourism projects and a bright business card of Weifang’s nightly economy.
In recent years, Weifang has launched the “Night Kite City” night culture and tourism consumption brand, issued the “Implementation Opinions of Weifang City on Promoting Night Economic Development”, and comprehensively improved the infrastructure, supporting services and brand quality of night culture and tourism projects by taking 13 specific measures, focusing on creating the “Night Weifang” landmark and upgrading the “Night Weifang” business circle. Night boutique tourism projects have achieved rapid improvement, and service satisfaction has steadily increased.
When night falls, many scenic spots in Weifang Binhai District are also bustling. These scenic spots have a high concentration of business forms and an active night consumption market. In order to meet the needs of tourists, the Bailiang River Scenic Spot, which is close to the entrance of the Bailiang River, has carried out the surrounding lighting project for the projects such as the “Eye of the Bohai Sea” ferris wheel and the dragon boat sailing base. The colorful “Eye of the Bohai Sea”, the brightly lit dragon boat sailing base, and the rich night experience activities have attracted citizens and tourists to punch in.
Promote deep integration
In recent years, Weifang has deeply explored “tourism+” based on advantageous industries and characteristic resources, and a number of characteristic cultural and tourism projects with strong integration have been launched.
“We drove along the ‘Qilu Tianlu Road’, with beautiful scenery, rich local customs and complete supporting facilities. The whole journey experience was very good,” said Bruce Lee, a self-driving enthusiast.
The “Qilu Tianlu” high-quality self-driving tour route is a classic project of Weifang’s integration of agriculture, culture and tourism. According to the experience needs of different tourists, the project has developed many customized self-driving tour route products. To enrich the content, the project links the mountains, rivers, lakes, seas, roads and villages in Weifang. Local agricultural products are brought out through the “trunk project” of self-driving tourists, and become the exploration of “self-driving tour+rural revitalization” mode.
Autumn is the peak season of Changyi’s green mountains and waters scenic spot. The colorful natural environment in the scenic spot makes tourists intoxicated. It is hard to imagine that before it became a scenic spot, it was once barren and short of water due to stone mining. In recent years, Changyi has taken the construction of professional and high-quality tourist attractions as its goal, and has successfully built barren mountains into an ecological leisure tourism area integrating ecological sightseeing, rural experience, catering services, tourism shopping, leisure and vacation, and cultural entertainment in accordance with the idea of integrated development of agriculture and tourism, culture and tourism.
With the deep integration of “tourism+”, Weifang boutique tourism projects are blooming everywhere. The “tourism+culture” boutique projects, such as Yangjiabu District, Honggaoliang Town, the capital of sea salt, which Weifang focuses on, have made the intangible cultural heritage “live”; The Jingzhi liquor culture theme scenic spot and Weifang characteristic industrial tourism route products that have been built have achieved the promotion of “industry+tourism”; The historical and cultural area of the Orchestra and the red party history line products have opened a new situation for the development of red tourism.
Increase efforts to enrich the people
The development of high-quality tourism not only allows Weifang to paint a magnificent picture of green mountains, beautiful waters, blue sky and fresh air, but also shows the effect of enriching the people. In 2021, Qingzhou received 7.8197 million tourists and achieved a total tourism revenue of 9.304 billion yuan. The tourism economy has a strong growth momentum, which has played a good driving role in the local economic development.
Bian Yongsheng, the project leader of Jiulongyu Scenic Area, is planning a new phase of the project construction of the scenic area. “Jiulongyu ‘green mountains and clear waters, blue sky, rich people, beautiful and prosperous villages’ are not empty words.” Bian Yongsheng said that in recent years, the project construction of Jiulongyu Scenic Area has been continuously improved, and the brand awareness has become higher and higher, and the surrounding people have also benefited from it.
“Tongyugou Village is located in the scenic spot, and now the villagers’ lives are getting more and more prosperous.” Guo Baowei, the secretary of the Party branch of Tongyugou Village, said that 10 years ago, Tongyugou Village was famous for its poverty. Now, under the influence of the scenic spot, the villagers actively develop rural tourism, build projects such as farm entertainment, leisure and picking gardens, and the village collective income has increased from 30000 yuan 10 years ago to more than 1 million yuan today, with a per capita income of 35000 yuan a year.
Linqu County is fragrant with melons and fruits in the golden autumn season. “The climate of hermit village is very suitable for the growth of persimmon trees. The persimmon trees here have a history of more than 2000 years. In autumn, when the persimmons are mature, they can always attract many tourists.” Liu Jie, secretary of the Party branch of hermit village in Wujing Town, Linqu County, said that the village took “persimmons” as the medium, vigorously developed special homestays and persimmon planting, and made rural tourism flourish. “On weekends, city people come here to visit ancient villages, visit the mountains, live in homestays, and taste persimmons,” said Liu Jie. The changes in the village have brought personal feelings to local farmers. “Rural tourism has brought popularity and fire to mountain goods,” said Zhao Wanying, a villager. She usually helps in the homestay at the foot of the mountain, and her monthly income can reach 2500 yuan. In the persimmon harvest season, more than 100 persimmon trees planted by her family can bring more than 100000 yuan of income.
It is not only the villagers of the village who benefit from it. Under the influence of the rural tourism project, the annual income of all the villages under the jurisdiction of Wujing Town has exceeded 300000 yuan, and the town’s financial income has increased from less than 10 million yuan in 2010 to nearly 300 million yuan now.