Where do I plant flowers in Beijing in summer? Beijing Happy Valley Heixia Carnival game upgrade

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On the evening of June 25, the North Branch of the 2021 OCT Cultural Tourism Festival and the opening ceremony of the Beijing Happy Valley Hi Summer Carnival opened at the Beijing Happy Valley Olympic Culture Square. As one of the important activities of the North Branch of the 2021 OCT Cultural Tourism Festival, the Hi-Summer Carnival will last from June 25 to August 29. Water revelry, trendy audio, fun challenges, fantasy light and shadow, the collection of the most fashionable elements, every day there are new surprises, unlock different carnival new ways to play.
Unlock the happy strategy and enable a better life
The 2021 OCT Cultural Tourism Festival, with the theme of “Colorful and Happy Tours, Come to OCT”, launched five thematic seasons, namely “Urban Holiday Season”, “Audio-visual Carnival Season”, “Health and Leisure Season”, “National Style Art Season”, and “Food and Fashion Play Season”, to create a happy venue for different groups of people. From June to October, the “Joy Relay” covering the east, west, north and south will continue to “create joy”.
With the “national style art season” as the relay focus, the North Branch will focus on the rich historical and cultural accumulation and magnificent and beautiful natural scenery resources in the north, combine the leisure and entertainment of more than ten cultural and tourism products in the north with history, art and folk customs, continue to create a series of festival activities around the cultural and tourism festival, plan rich and colorful cultural and tourism products, and build a three-dimensional, rich and unique cultural and tourism system with northern characteristics, Make sure that “every month has its own attractions, and every venue has its own new ideas”. In terms of product innovation, the North Branch deepened the “Orange City Card” and launched several major products, including the Orange City • Beijing-Tianjin Happy Card, the Hi-Summer Carnival Package, and the Happy Valley Happy Card, to provide the tourists with a new leisure method of “orange” satisfaction, and to offer a good gift of culture and tourism to those who pursue a better and happy life.
Hi Summer Carnival, release the super joy of summer
The Beijing Happy Valley Hi Summer Carnival has been upgraded and exciting, unlocking different new ways to play in summer. At the opening ceremony, Li Wei, deputy general manager of Beijing Happy Valley, said that the current Hi-Summer Carnival was mainly based on three major trend elements: water play, electric sound and light and shadow show. During the day, the bubble water gun can’t stop playing. The seventh water gun bubble festival is cool and cool, and the cute “happy duck” is cute. The magic weapon of summer is the water gun battle, which will fill the joy value, and the sweet bubbles will open the dream moment. The perfect combination of water gun and bubbles will give tourists a happy field to play in the water wantonly in summer; The ice cream is sweet, and many famous brands will bring you a cool summer, and the ice cream challenge will be active; At night, the dazzling light and shadow will be famous in the capital, and the more fashionable and stylish electronic music festival will celebrate the whole summer night. Five immersive theme experiences, six tag activity function areas, FUN music atmosphere is full, experience feeling is full, magic light show opens a new live mode, immersive electronic audio new experience, super carnival night on Friday and Saturday, release summer super joy.
Ten hydrophilic projects release cooling factors. Fly across the Milky River and enjoy the water galloping with two oars. The odyssey journey is a 10-minute journey in the torrent. The Yarlung Zangbo Drifting is a good place to swim in the 800-meter river valley and feel the ups and downs.
The new landmark of night tour, the brighter the night
A new landmark for night tour by clocking in and unlocking the capital on summer nights. The five “night shows” shaped by the six episodes of “night economy” have become the core strength of the night tourism economy in Beijing Happy Valley. At the opening of the Tianguang Nights, Beijing Happy Valley has also been upgraded into a veritable “performing arts valley” in the domestic theme park industry. More than 10 major types of performances have built a new matrix of cultural performance, including the large-scale performances “Golden Face Dynasty”, “Magic Cube of Joy”, “Magic East”, “Thousand Stars Illusion Show” The representative performances such as the Mayan Scourge special effect live show, are more and more wonderful as the night progresses.