Zhejiang Xiangshan Xingtourism rich villagers

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In winter, we walked into Xilifang Village, Qiangtou Town, Xiangshan County, one of the first traditional ancient villages and a provincial historical and cultural village in Zhejiang Province. The ancient buildings in succession were winding and deep, surrounded by green trees in front of and behind the farmhouse.
“Through ‘villagers say things’, the sleeping ancient architectural cultural resources in the village have come to life, attracting more people to look for homesickness in Xili, promoting the transformation of beautiful countryside to’ beautiful economy ‘, and realizing common prosperity,” said Lou Shancheng, secretary of Xili Village Party Branch.
In recent years, Xiangshan County has continuously polished the gold-lettered signboard of “villagers tell stories”, promoted the rural governance models of “new farmers tell stories”, “village counselors,” representatives supervise stories “, and other rural governance models. Good governance in small villages has gone out of great changes, developed tourism, enriched villagers, and written a beautiful story of green common prosperity.
Entering Xugon’ao Village, Tuci Town, Xiangshan County, the farmyard was covered with flowers and plants, and the singing of the cultural auditorium was curling. Ten years ago, this national model village for rural governance was a backward village with “no one to listen to and no one to follow”.
The effective system is the guarantee of rural revitalization. A number of “eight systems” with the characteristics of Xugon’ao Village, such as the compulsory labor system for cadres and party members, have been introduced in succession.
“These systems are gradually formed according to the needs of the villagers and the actual situation of the village when we ‘villagers talk about things’.” Ge Congmin, the secretary of the Party branch of the village, said that with the promotion of the “villagers talk about things” system, the big and small things in the village become open and transparent, and the villagers are also full of confidence in the development of the village.
From the initial dispute complaints to the current development and construction, “villagers say things” speak of the booming development of Xugon’ao.
Entering Qinglai Village in Xianxiang Town looks like a beautiful picture of the countryside. The residential buildings are well arranged, the trees stand on both sides, the asphalt road passes through the village, camping, homestay, bookstore, fishing boat, sea fishing, watching the ebb and flow of the tide, watching the cross-sea bridge, watching the windmill road… The unique beauty of this small coastal fishing village has become the “poem and distance” that foreign tourists yearn for.
In recent years, Qinglai Village has adhered to the guidance of Party building, actively carried out the reform of “separation of three rights” of rural homestead, gathered the strength of villagers, revitalized rural resources, and walked out a path of rural revitalization with Qinglai characteristics.
It is said that the homestay industry in Moganshan, Huzhou has been doing well. Fan Kaiying, secretary of the Party branch of Qinglai Village, and village cadres have been to Huzhou no less than 20 times. Finally, in 2018, the high-end boutique home stay project of “Xipo Xiangshan” with an investment of 25 million yuan was settled in Qinglai.
The Xipo homestay project is like a strong needle, which has pressed the fast forward key for the development of Qinglai Village. The blueprints of Qinglai, a landscape with ten steps and four beautiful seasons, are becoming reality step by step.
When you come to Baiyanxia Village, Maoyang Township, Xiangshan, and walk on the glass walkway of “Early Internet Red” in the village, it is like walking in the air. You can not only overlook the pastoral scenery of rice cutting, but also overlook the charming scenery of Xijiagang Port.
“The glass walkway that the villagers said gave our village a second life,” said Hu Kai, secretary of the village’s Party branch with emotion. This was originally a famous pig farm. In order to improve the village environment, pig farms have been closed in the village.
At this time, the rural tourism in several surrounding villages was in full swing. Hu Kai looked at it and was worried. How to develop rural tourism products belonging to Baiyanxia Village has become a difficult problem for village cadres.
After many times of “talking”, the village decided to try to build the first seascape glass walkway in Ningbo, in the mode of villagers’ equity participation and dividend at the end of the year, so that all villagers can jointly build projects, jointly govern scenic spots and share benefits.
In order to operate and manage this plank road well, Baiyanxia Village established Xiangshan Baiyanxia Tourism Development Co., Ltd. and reached strategic cooperation with more than 200 travel agencies. The glass walkway opened in June of that year received 180000 tourists by the end of the year, and the ticket income was 4.6 million yuan.
“In addition to making villagers shareholders, I hope they can achieve employment at home. This is also the key to singing the next song of common prosperity.” Hu Kai described the development blueprint of Baiyan Xiacun.
Today, walking in villages in Xiangshan County is like being in a landscape painting with different styles. There are not only small bridges and flowing houses, green bamboo pavilions and fences, ancient well vegetable gardens and daiwa, but also blue sea and silver beaches, fishing songs and evening singing, and sailing on the harbor. On this magical 30 ° north latitude, the most beautiful coastline, the “Vientiane Mountains and Seas” picture scroll with Xiangcun Shanzhi as the rafter is slowly unfolding.