Zhenfeng Ancient City, Qianxinan Prefecture, Guizhou Province: Develop popular science tourism and strengthen cultural confidence in historical scenes

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Recently, the ancient town of Zhenfeng, Zhenfeng County, Qianxinan Buyei and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou Province, welcomed a group of happy students. “Under the guidance of the teacher, I made a small vase myself, and it was really interesting to see the clay gradually forming in my hands.
The ancient city of Zhenfeng is antique and covers an area of more than 20 hectares. It has preserved relatively intact architectural complexes of the Ming and Qing Dynasties and the Republic of China. The old local blocks “Daximen” and “Ming and Qing Street”, which have been living for generations, are well-known tourist punch points. When you come here, there are bluestone roads and ancient buildings, which arouse the interest of tourists to touch the history.
How to integrate the contents of historical culture and intangible cultural heritage into the education of tourists, especially teenagers? In recent years, Zhenfeng County Association for Science and Technology, cultural tourism and other departments have jointly explored the “tourism+science popularization” model, and built Zhenfeng Ancient City into a science popularization education base.
The Qiantang Art Workshop in Zhenfeng Ancient City is a characteristic popular science experience point. The workshop integrates popular science elements into Zhenfeng’s traditional ceramic art production, tie-dye, batik and other experience projects, so that tourists can learn more from the experience.
“We mainly aim at students, and let them learn knowledge while exercising their hands-on ability through pottery making, batik and other experience projects,” said Long Daping, head of Qiantang Art Workshop.
During the holiday, Wei Xiulian, who lives in Nakong Village, Zhexiang Town, Zhenfeng County, took her two children to visit the ancient city of Zhenfeng and experienced hand-made pottery. “Dolls learn by playing, play by learning, broaden their horizons and broaden their horizons. Many of the popular science knowledge that the teacher said is vivid and memorable. The two children are arguing to come frequently. I am also considering whether to enroll the children in an intangible cultural heritage experience class.”
With a “yard” in hand, you can travel all over the ancient city. In order to facilitate tourists to play in the ancient city, Zhenfeng County Association for Science and Technology has also produced an electronic map. Tourists can view the electronic live map of Zhenfeng Ancient City by scanning the QR code on their mobile phones. There are coordinates of scenic spots on the map. After clicking on the map, you can hear beautiful music and tour guide words, which is refreshing and “sound” is on the scene.
“Up to now, with the care and support of Qianxinan Prefecture Association for Science and Technology, a total of 150000 yuan has been obtained for the establishment of science popularization demonstration sites, and a science popularization experience project has been developed in the ancient city, so that tourists’ sightseeing experience is full of ‘science content’, and tourists’ reaction effect is also very good.” said Yu Hongli, chairman of Zhenfeng County Association for Science and Technology.
It is reported that in recent years, Zhenfeng County has innovatively carried out science popularization education, established a science popularization guide and tourism volunteer service team, cultivated science popularization personnel and interpreters of intangible cultural heritage, and reserved teaching talents for the “tourism+science popularization” model. At the same time, we will actively carry out popular science tourism of folk culture and intangible cultural heritage inheritance, architectural art and craftsmanship.
“Next, we will refine and summarize the achievements of popular science tourism in Zhenfeng Ancient City and copy them to other scenic spots in the county. At the same time, we will carry out colorful popular science education activities in various forms to achieve experiential teaching, exploratory research, and immersive tourism.” Yu Hongli stressed that the ancient buildings and traditional craftsmen in Zhenfeng Ancient City are important carriers for popular science research. In terms of the excavation of product content and spiritual connotation, There is a lot of work to do.
In the ancient city of Zhenfeng, the most famous ancient building is the Wenchang Palace built on the mountain. This group of buildings are well arranged, and the plane layout of the buildings is balanced and symmetrical. During the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty, Wu Jiarui, the general office of Lijin, Baijiadu, founded Zhenfeng “benevolence society” in Wenchang Palace. The main hall of Wenchang Palace was the lecture hall where Ren learned to spread knowledge and revolutionary ideas. At that time, there were many aspiring young people from all directions. The moderator taught the reform and reform idea here, which is said in the historical records to be “the first to open the river”. Many members of the Zhenfengren Society later became heroic fighters of the 1911 Revolution.
In Yu Hongli’s view, “tourism+science popularization” is not only to gain knowledge of science and Europe, but also to strengthen cultural confidence in historical scenes, which is very valuable for the growth of teenagers.