Zhuji, Zhejiang Province: All-area scenic spots tell the beauty

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Zhuji City is located in the north-central part of Zhejiang Province, at the foot of the Kuaiji Mountain and the edge of the Puyang River. It was once the ancient capital of the State of Yue and the hometown of Xi Shi. It has a long history, profound heritage, and a collection of talents. It is a national ecological garden city and an excellent tourist city in China. In recent years, according to the strategic guidance of the provincial party committee and the provincial government to build “a large scenic area and a large garden in the whole province”, Zhuji has comprehensively promoted the regionalization of tourism development, strived to integrate into the integration of the Yangtze River Delta and the integration of Hangzhou, Shaoxing and Ningbo. In accordance with the overall development space layout of “one city, one corridor and two rings”, Zhuji has played a good role in creating a combination of boxing, and strived to polish the golden card of “the beautiful Zhuji, the hometown of Xishi”, Create a beautiful painting scene of “universal beauty and universal travel”. In 2021, Zhuji successfully won the second batch of Zhejiang Province’s regional tourism demonstration counties (cities, districts).
Technology empowers tourism experience
Open the “Beautiful Zhuji in Xishi’s Hometown” widget on WeChat and enter the VR virtual experience tour. You can visit the Xishi’s Hometown scenic spot located dozens of kilometers away without leaving home, find the traces of Xishi, and look at the Xishi Hall, known as the Zhuji Folk Architecture and Art Museum. There was the Huansha Stone written by Wang Xizhi, and the famous Xishi Tuanyuan Cake in Guyue Street. This year, Zhuji started the “cloud tourism” mode, Through VR technology, panoramic displays of Xishi’s hometown, Wuxie Scenic Spot, Douyan, Baita Lake and other popular scenic spots are made. Citizens and tourists can enjoy the local beautiful scenery by moving their fingers on the mobile phone WeChat terminal.
At the other end of the mobile phone, in front of the electronic screen of the Culture and Tourism Data Center of the Zhuji Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television, Tourism and Sports, the staff are conducting intelligent monitoring and control of the real-time passenger flow, meteorological conditions, traffic flow conditions, etc. of the scenic spots through the intelligent information system. “The system mainly includes six subsystems, such as data collection, data exchange, data processing, data access, tourism big data display, and daily operation monitoring. Through the system’s data analysis and application model, various analysis and prediction reports are output to provide guidance for the management of travel-related enterprises, safety supervision, planning and scheduling, marketing publicity, and emergency rescue.” According to Shi Fei, the director of the office of Zhuji Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television, Tourism and Sports, the data center has access to the basic resources of the culture and tourism industry, OTA consumption, hotel occupancy, high-speed checkpoint traffic, etc. in real time. Activating these big data resources will effectively make accurate predictions on the market and promote the high-quality development of tourism.
He Yonggang, director of the Zhuji Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism, said: “We have joined forces with the municipal transportation department and the provincial and municipal data department to focus on developing the application of the ‘one thing for tourists’ scenario, using digital technology, digital thinking and digital cognition to build the” smart travel “tourism transportation network, providing tourists with the” beauty on the road, beauty in service “smart tourism experience, and promoting the iterative upgrading of Zhuji smart tourism.”
Industrial integration cultivates innovative products
On holidays, Huangjiadian Village welcomes several groups of tourists in the morning. Some of them are picking fruit, some are playing by the stream, and some are listening to the local grandparents telling the story of the old generation’s war of resistance. A harmonious and vivid picture of rural tourism is slowly unfolding on this land.
Huangjiadian Village, located in Huangshan Town, Zhuji City, was the revolutionary base of the Jinxiao Detachment of the People’s Liberation Army in eastern Zhejiang. In recent years, the local government has focused on promoting the integration and comprehensive opening of the red tourism resources system, organizing the local older generation of Red Army soldiers and their descendants, relevant experts and scholars to sort out the red story, repair the revolutionary cultural relics, repair and expand the revolutionary memorial hall, and based on this, develop the research industry, and launch the red research routes, red cultural and creative tourism products. “In the past two years, even if affected by the epidemic, the number of people who came to the village to sign up for the red study tour also reached thousands, bringing a considerable income to the villagers.” Wang Kai, a village cadre in Huangjiadian Village, Huangshan Town, said.
With the increase of local tourists, Huangjiadian Village has also tried to integrate agriculture and tourism to lead the villagers to accelerate the road to prosperity. In combination with the regional characteristics of “more mountains, high altitude, less arable land, suitable for planting alpine fruits”, the villagers have planted more than 500 mu of honey peach and yellow peach successively. Because of its beautiful appearance, large fruit shape and high quality, the name of “Huangjiadian Alpine Sweet Peach” has gradually become a well-known agricultural product brand in Zhuji, with a total annual output value of more than 2 million yuan. Some large fruit and vegetable plantations have also expanded the picking experience, planting research, fruit wine brewing and other related businesses to enrich the tourist experience.
Huangjiadian Village is just a microcosm of the integrated development of industry and tourism in Zhuji. Miguo Town, located in Jiefang Village, Shanxiahu Town, is a 4A tourist attraction. The town follows the development idea of agriculture+tourism+differentiation, planting and breeding landscape, and excavates the value of ecotourism on this basis. Red heart pitaya, kiwi, high-quality grapes, blueberries, strawberries and other fruits are available here. Every holiday, it attracts the surrounding citizens and tourists to experience the joy of picking. In addition, the town is also supporting the construction of the world’s first Huolongguo Cultural Theme Museum, Youth Science Popularization Museum and Rural Memory Museum, which provide a place for teenagers to learn and experience agricultural science knowledge. In addition, children’s amusement park is a dream paradise for children. The ecological restaurant creates organic, cultural and health-protecting specialty dishes, and the characteristic homestay allows citizens and tourists to enjoy a good life experience in the rural atmosphere.
In recent years, various regions, villages and towns in Zhuji, relying on local natural and cultural advantages, have gathered resources from all sides, vigorously developed integrated industries such as “culture+tourism”, “agriculture+tourism”, “water conservancy+tourism”, “industry+tourism”, and developed relevant tourism products such as “Zhuji Ten Bowls”, “Horse Sword Eight Bowls”, “Zhaojia Torreya Festival”, and “Picking Boutique Tours”, so that tourism work can be transformed from local work to overall work, Let the tourism department focus on tourism instead of focusing on local tourism.
Spatial integration and expansion of development pattern
Seven mountains, one water and two fields are the ecological advantages of Zhuji to adhere to green development; Xishi culture and ancient Yue culture are the shining cultural signs of Zhuji; The capital of pearl and the capital of torreya grandis are excellent achievements of Zhuji’s industrial development. According to the statistics of relevant local departments, despite the impact of the epidemic, the total tourism revenue of Zhuji City will still exceed 6 billion yuan in 2021. The tourism development meets the people’s yearning for a better life and also brings considerable economic benefits to the local area.
“Zhuji is rich in ecological and cultural resources. The breeding and breeding area of pearl, torreya grandis and other products is more than 500000 mu. The total annual output and sales are among the top in the country. The cultural resources such as Xishi culture and ancient Yue culture have been inherited for thousands of years and have a profound historical accumulation. In recent years, many breeding bases and cultural attractions have launched a series of activities, such as research experience, historical achievements exhibition, manual grocery store, to promote the development of local tourism and attract tourists to come Play. ” The relevant person in charge of Zhuji Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television, Tourism and Sports said that although the tourism industry in Zhuji has now covered most industries and regions in the city, in order to accelerate the high-quality development process of tourism in the whole city, it is still necessary to deeply explore the tourism value and connection points in all parts of the city, plan from the overall spatial perspective, and build the overall development pattern of tourism in the whole city.
In 2019, Zhuji officially released the Overall Tourism Planning of Zhuji City (2019-2025), which combined the current development situation and demand of tourism industry, comprehensively analyzed the tourism resources endowment, development status and future development trend of Zhuji City, and determined the overall positioning of “building a healthy leisure cultural tourism destination in the Yangtze River Delta”, and the three major development themes of “ecological health, fashion leisure and cultural research”, Build a “112” Zhuji regional development pattern of “one city, one corridor and two rings”.
According to the relevant person in charge of the Zhuji Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism, at present, Zhuji has identified 10 city-wide key cultural and tourism projects, including Pearl Town, Xishi’s hometown “on both sides of the river”, the comprehensive development of Wuxie tourism infrastructure, and the comprehensive renovation of the surrounding environment of Wanghui Mountain. Among them, the construction of the World Freshwater Pearl Museum and Dielai Wangjing Homestay and other projects built around the Pearl Town project have been successively implemented, and the World Pearl Conference, China (International) Pearl Festival and other large-scale activities have also been held. It is estimated that the economic income driven by the tourism industry of Pearl Town alone has exceeded one million yuan.