
  • Activate the sleeping cultural resources in Zhejiang and Anhui to create a landscape poetry road

    Activate the sleeping cultural resources in Zhejiang and Anhui to create a landscape poetry road

    Now, standing on the bank of the Yangtze River at the Tianmen Mountain Scenic Spot in Wuhu City, Anhui Province,…

  • Zhangjiajie Smart Tourism Platform officially launched

    Zhangjiajie Smart Tourism Platform officially launched

    Huasheng Online, November 15: Today, the launching ceremony of Zhangjiajie Smart Tourism Platform was held. Wang Tao, Vice Mayor of…

  • The total mileage of rural roads in Hubei is more than 260000 kilometers, and the scenery is thriving everywhere

    The total mileage of rural roads in Hubei is more than 260000 kilometers, and the scenery is thriving everywhere

    Jingshan, Chushui, and village roads are “drunk”. Recently, the scenery along the Lvtang Road in Zhulin Town, Qichun County, Huanggang…

  • Chongqing Colorful Forest has entered the best viewing period, with its own beauty from a distance

    Chongqing Colorful Forest has entered the best viewing period, with its own beauty from a distance

    December 7 is the 21st solar term of the 24 solar terms in China – “heavy snow”. “Heavy snow” marks…

  • Zhejiang Xiangshan Xingtourism rich villagers

    Zhejiang Xiangshan Xingtourism rich villagers

    In winter, we walked into Xilifang Village, Qiangtou Town, Xiangshan County, one of the first traditional ancient villages and a…

  • Jilin ice and snow new opportunity “cat winter” is also a rich farmer

    Jilin ice and snow new opportunity “cat winter” is also a rich farmer

    “Ice and snow are also golden mountains and silver mountains”. With the development of ice and snow tourism in Jilin,…

  • Sanya tourism industry accelerates recovery

    Sanya tourism industry accelerates recovery

    海棠湾免税店大排长龙,每天涌入蜈支洲岛景区的游客超过6000人次,亚特兰蒂斯酒店春节部分客房已被预订一空……海南省三亚市,正在加速旅游业的复苏。元旦假期过后,市场人气依旧火爆,继续成为各国游客避寒休假、养精蓄锐的热门旅游目的地。 近期,三亚统筹做好疫情防控和经济社会发展工作。一方面,政府和企业携手出台一系列振兴旅游市场和拉动旅游消费的积极举措,充分吸引游客,释放旅游消费潜力,有效加快市场“冷热”转换,恢复三亚旅游市场活力。另一方面,要求各单位密切跟踪疫情形势,加强预判研判,落实疫情防控专项工作预案和应急预案,确保文化事业安全平稳运行。年末的旅游市场。 记者从三亚旅游促进局获悉,元旦假期以来,三亚旅游饭店平均入住率已超过75%,环比增长近9个百分点。其中,海棠湾、亚龙湾五星级酒店平均入住率保持在85%左右,环比增长超过7个百分点。 此外,为带动三亚整体旅游销售增长,提振三亚目的地品牌和市场信心,三亚将紧紧抓住元旦、春节节点,联动三亚旅游企业,推出优质优惠的预售活动。销售旅游产品,通过直播营销抢抓旅游市场先机,带动三亚文旅企业和市场加速盘活。 三亚酒店、景区还推出了丰富多彩的春节旅游市场主题活动和特色产品。 三亚旅游文化投资集团有限公司董事长郑从辉表示,集团已与保亭黎族苗族自治县的槟榔谷景区、呀诺达景区、三亚的南湾猴岛景区强强联手。陵水黎族自治县与富力海洋欢乐世界度假区开展“三亚经济圈景区联动”活动,开展联合营销,举办丰富多彩的春节节庆活动吸引游客。

  • Gansu cultural tourism revives the “winter” tourism craze

    Gansu cultural tourism revives the “winter” tourism craze

    The cliffs of the canyon are crystal clear, the snowways of the mountains are white and shining, and the big…

  • Visit the “Centennial Flower Market” at the “Millennium Ancient Road”

    Visit the “Centennial Flower Market” at the “Millennium Ancient Road”

    Yangcheng Evening News: Li Chunwei, the reporter, and Yue Xuan, the correspondent, reported that the flower market opened with the…

  • This winter, the snow and ice are very hot!

    This winter, the snow and ice are very hot!

    Skating at the Beijing Winter Olympic Stadium, skiing at the Zhangjiakou Winter Olympic Snow Resort, going to Harbin to see…