We know that Li Bai, the “immortal of poetry”, was a great romantic poet in the Tang Dynasty, and was…
In winter in Tibet, you can imagine: clear blue sky, warm sunshine, white snow mountains, majestic glaciers, blue holy lakes,…
There is a Milky Way in the sky and a Milky Way on the ground. As the largest water system…
The Five Mountains return without looking at the mountains, and the Mount Huangshan Mountain returns without looking at the mountains….
With the improvement of people’s awareness of self-planning and strategic level, many people will not choose to travel with tour…
There are many great walls in Beijing. I often see many netizens asking for differences on the website, or I…
Rome, for many people, is a dream-like term. When you say it, the wings of imagination will float with the…
All friends who have come to Shanxi should know that Shanxi is surrounded by mountains on all sides and surrounded…
The flying snow deduces a different romantic story. The goose feather snow in winter has fantastic magic. Everywhere it touches,…
广西是旅游资源丰富的省份,旅游资源种类繁多。境内的桂林,相信一直为人们所熟知。桂林山水秀美无比。相信说到古镇,很多人都会想到江南六大古镇。其实,广西还有一座历史悠久的古镇,古朴秀美,深受人们喜爱。 黄姚古镇,位于广西贺州昭平县东北部,距桂林200公里。黄姚古镇面积244平方公里,素有“小桂林”之称。这座古镇始于宋代,距今已有近1000年的历史。也是中国4A级景区。全镇有600多户人家,8个街道。房屋大多建于明清时期,街道用青石板砌成。古镇内有庙宇祠堂20余座,亭台楼阁10余座,大部分为明清建筑。著名的有文明阁、明珠寺、星宇寺、古戏台等。而且, 因镇内黄姓、姚姓较多,故称黄姚。由于前期交通不便,宣传力度不够,这座古镇的人文风情并未受到太大影响。黄姚古镇不同于凤凰古镇和丽江。犹如一位文静美丽的女子走在黄姚古镇的街道上,享受着自然的古朴与宁静。黄姚古镇群山环绕,绿水环绕。整个古镇的建筑基本都是围绕着祠堂而建,向外辐射。防御功能强的密集建筑! 比起城市的喧嚣,这里有一种自然的美,更适合现代人改变浮躁的心态。小桥、流水、房屋、檐梁上精雕细刻的壁画、屋檐上诗画壁画的古民居,无不令人向往。黄姚古镇位于桂林漓江下游,素有“诗词之乡”之称。古镇里的人们享受着这里的生活,仿佛这里没有烦恼。黄姚古镇无疑是广西第一古镇。近千年的历史文化积淀,古朴中不失精致,古朴中不失个性。对于这个美丽的小镇,你有兴趣来一趟吗?